Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Hey you totally should drift around and try different techniques. Stuff like DWC, NFT can be insanely productive if done right, Its just way out of my old school comfort zone! But with guys like loopy around to help out I wouldn't hesitate to give it a go!
hey nice grow here @912GreenSkell

I cant find any info on your polarlight grow(u mentioned elsewhere that you did grow it) is it in another thread?
Im thinking about running polarlight #2 or Auto haze dinefem in this cab(link below), any help would be appreciated.

grow on brother


Hey thanks...you must have misread, as I haven't done polarlights #2...yet! Its another strain on my to-do list. In a box that small though you might have a hard time getting a mostly pure sativa to fit in there! I'll be on your thread later tonight!
Well the Moonstone small buds are dry enough for a test smoke! So I smoked a joint today...very strong! Tastes of anise and pine, once she hits the jar I expect flavours to change. The bigger buds still need an easy day, but I weighed her out and got a total of 73 grams! I expect to loose 20% or so, so she ought to weigh in at 2oz! Nice, I only though she would be 1.5, so bonus!
Well the Moonstone small buds are dry enough for a test smoke! So I smoked a joint today...very strong! Tastes of anise and pine, once she hits the jar I expect flavours to change. The bigger buds still need an easy day, but I weighed her out and got a total of 73 grams! I expect to loose 20% or so, so she ought to weigh in at 2oz! Nice, I only though she would be 1.5, so bonus!
Good job man! I'm gonna be starting work on my own cabs soon :D
Good job man! I'm gonna be starting work on my own cabs soon :D

Make sure you tag me when you do get it happening! I want to see! Speaking of HMR...are your outdoor girls on the go yet? Starting mine tomorrow! Until the outdoor girls get bigger I have changed the location of the lights. Both remaining blood dragons are under the mars and I have tilted the 2 galaxyhydro lights on a 45 degree angle. They are just getting flooded with light now!
Make sure you tag me when you do get it happening! I want to see! Speaking of HMR...are your outdoor girls on the go yet? Starting mine tomorrow! Until the outdoor girls get bigger I have changed the location of the lights. Both remaining blood dragons are under the mars and I have tilted the 2 galaxyhydro lights on a 45 degree angle. They are just getting flooded with light now!
Nope, this year is gonna be a late run for my photos probably, still trying to get te funds for my soil. :/
Nope, this year is gonna be a late run for my photos probably, still trying to get te funds for my soil. :/

I grabbed a bale of promix, and at the rate I am moving it, I should have enough to go through a whole 2 years of grows(outdoor starts and X2 four plant indoor) Got to love good native soil for outdoor girls, it would cost a damn fortune to fill my 10X10 holes with bought dirt.
Good luck on your quest for dirt funds man!
I grabbed a bale of promix, and at the rate I am moving it, I should have enough to go through a whole 2 years of grows(outdoor starts and X2 four plant indoor) Got to love good native soil for outdoor girls, it would cost a damn fortune to fill my 10X10 holes with bought dirt.
Good luck on your quest for dirt funds man!
U should sell us your local dirt lol