Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Day 13
Hmm mistake one...some slight overwatering on one plant in one of the non airpots. Using the moisture meter I realized that the airpots are certainly serving their purpose. Have to ease up on the water on the non airpots for now. Feeding two airpots tonight, regular pots tomorrow. So far an immediate benefit to an airpot, quicker drying of the medium means more feedings. Noticed something today with the heat...with one of the front doors opened just a slight bit, temps stabilized at 81 degrees. So that's telling me I need stronger outtake fans at the top for sure.(the intake fan is quite powerful)
Pics tomorrow.
Okay gentleman here we go!
Day 15 - Everybody is looking really good...really starting to take off now...had a weird feeling to check sex today, so I did and am almost sure I spotted a boy...tomorrow will cut him if so(verified and cut). Starting to think the pot on the end with the two biggest plants are both males. If that's the case, I will pull them and start a single femmed Double Dragon to fill the space.

Started 1.25ml per litre of sensigrow A+B and 1ml of carboload today. Nice lush green growth with very tight nodes so far. Extremely happy with the upgrade of T8's to LED so far.

Left quadrant under the Marshydro 100X3w. Left pot is airpot, right pot is not:

Right quadrant under the LEDLightSeller 100X3w(right pot airpot, left pot is not):


Edit- Day 16:
Culled out 3 males today...happy to see the plant I stunted was a male. Down to 6 plants total.
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Nice 912 wish you had told me you were doing this ,very happy to see it's off to a great start bro ,indoor growing is a lot different than our big orange sun blaster ,but fun ,more hands on adjustments ,tinkering ya know
Hey Dank! I've been procrastinating calling in yourself, and a bunch of others that I think would like to see this grow go down. Great you found it!! Can't believe it took you so long! :D I used to grow indoors some 20 years ago, but very different setup from what I am running now!

Day 19:
Uh-oh mistake #2- I might have screwed the Stone 99 seed I planted...last night it was nice and damp in the paper towel but this morning she was dry. The shell had not cracked at this point...did I screw it?

I've reorganized the pots given the empty space for the time being, and to have a plan for training once they really take off. Still waiting on sex to show on the single plant in the left pot..."she" is taking so long, it just has to be a female!(so I started training and tucking her)

Everyone else is female...and now my friends, I ask you to help me in a decision...should I thin the 2 smallest plants out of the pots.(so obviously the backround plant in the below pic and the wee baby one in the other pic) Sorry about the pics this round...took them during the day and didn't reset my white balance.

Okay so now to call in the rest of the guys I think might like to see this grow happen @Darth Vapor @Stone @Rebel @calabria420 @Duggy @Nan @HubbaBubba @hecno hmmmm I just know there is others I am forgetting!!