Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

There's always room to fit em haha! Hopefully....
U think that bag will in freezer in 24 hours? Has it been cold up yonder?

I'll find the room..hehe..worst came to worst, I could relocate the mars into the alternate area, which I will need to do May the 1st anyways.(to house the 4 autos for 45 days, under mars and a pair of T8's)
I just flaked enough off the top and puled it in. Already thawed and warmed up...I will get to it tomorrow.
Day 49..moonstone is doing okay...buggered up earlier this week when I let her dry out too much while sleeping. Gah...been harsh to this lil' girl. Still putting on bud, though and getting thick!(apologies for bad pic) Branch in foreground is the seeded branch. Very complex odour once again. I already know this is a strain I will be re-growing.

Day 29
The taller Bloodstone is doing great...growing like crazy and flowering like she should be! Super excited for this one.

The shorter Bloodstone is only doing okay. The bit of a heavy feed hit her hard, and she is still slouching. Keeping her around regardless, since, unless I am mistaken there is some purple leaves started to flow out of the main stalks tip.
pic of her next round.....
The moonstone is actually very tight on the buds. Though I doubt she will crack 2oz, as she is super small.
Starting to tighten up on the smaller mango, but the big mango is still minimal flower.

edit...yours looks awesome pete! Nice crystal forming man!
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I'm here to see your indoor along with an outdoor going on later. Good luck here.

Hey great to have you stop by man, and thanks for the luck, I certainly need it this round! ;)
This thread will actually get shut down in the summer, only then to reopen in Oct with more autos.(too hot in the summer to run) I'll have a few threads on the go with various comparison grows and a master thread for the full sun garden.
I haven't tried growing indoors in the summer yet but I can imagine that temps might be an issue for me and might have to invest in small ac unit or something for the tent room...
I'm excited for the smoke report on the moonstone. I have 5 regs still. Now that I've been introduced to this roots organics soil and don't have to use but minimal nutrients until week 4 or so I'm thinking is time to breed. I'm going to see the selection I Get off prizes from this month's bom/pom and what else I have and with your smoke report figure out what to bed it with. With your guidance I should b able to safely do this without running my whole crop. I hope you don't mind walking me through the selective branch breeding when I'm ready in about 2 or 3 months lol that's really the scariest part for me is pollinating stuff I don't want pollinated.
Are you getting excited that your outdoor season is coming up? I believe I have 3 dutch passion beans coming as part of the prize so I'm hoping I have one that matches one that your running in the summer garden! That's b cool! I'm actually really excited to watch your outdoor garden man! It's going to b crazy! You have an amazing line up!