Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Thanks pete
Okay here we go Day 38 on the moonstone. Due to overfertilizing on her I decided to switch it up and throw down 3 litres of straight water just to clean her out a bit. . Very short due to errors on my end, but still forming bud okay. The foreground branch on the left is the seed bearing branch assuming the pollen went well.

Day 18 Bloodstones...the tall one is a girl and was transplanted tonight...no signs yet but I feel the squat plant in the background is a female:
Day 45
Going okay...buds forming really nice on the short Moonstone now!

Day 24 on the bloodstones...I feel these should be moving a bit quicker than they are. The one girl didn't like the higher strength ferts, but she seems to be getting through it okay. Speaking of her, the second plant is indeed a female, which puts me at 5 plants in the cab..ouch for room!! Not sure how I am going to pull this one off, but I am sure going to try!! Time to transplant tonight!

Bigger Bloodstone(accidently dribbled some ferts on her...oops):

And one of the most compact plants I have ever seen. Leaf tucking wasn't working on this one, so I strategically cut out a single fan leaf today to promote side branching.
Cool, Skelly, I hope you like the buds on these. I've got plans for some Stone Dragons this summer, got a Blackstone and a Hydra as freebies and also a portal mix pack as well to play with. I'm looking forward to trying these portal strains out first hand
Cool, Skelly, I hope you like the buds on these. I've got plans for some Stone Dragons this summer, got a Blackstone and a Hydra as freebies and also a portal mix pack as well to play with. I'm looking forward to trying these portal strains out first hand
Dude they really are great stuff. I have a few going now and love them. Will b making another purchase one day!

@912GreenSkell that moonstone is beautiful! What a great girl to breed with...makes me want to bust out my moonstones after the sour blues and do some breeding. I love that color! Only thing that concerns me is even with your level of skill with training....how are u going to pull this off? Lol leaver one a micro maybe?
Cool, Skelly, I hope you like the buds on these. I've got plans for some Stone Dragons this summer, got a Blackstone and a Hydra as freebies and also a portal mix pack as well to play with. I'm looking forward to trying these portal strains out first hand

If the smoke is anything like the other 3 automix I already harvested I won't just be happy, I'll be absolutely ripe with enthusiasm!!

Dude they really are great stuff. I have a few going now and love them. Will b making another purchase one day!

@912GreenSkell that moonstone is beautiful! What a great girl to breed with...makes me want to bust out my moonstones after the sour blues and do some breeding. I love that color! Only thing that concerns me is even with your level of skill with training....how are u going to pull this off? Lol leaver one a micro maybe?

Yeah the moonstone is very impressive considering the stunting I gave her, even with her very squat stature the bud packing on is awesome! I can see the moonstone becoming a favorite. No idea how I am going to fit all 5 in there! Talk about a jigsaw puzzle...lol
If the smoke is anything like the other 3 automix I already harvested I won't just be happy, I'll be absolutely ripe with enthusiasm!!

Yeah the moonstone is very impressive considering the stunting I gave her, even with her very squat stature the bud packing on is awesome! I can see the moonstone becoming a favorite. No idea how I am going to fit all 5 in there! Talk about a jigsaw puzzle...lol
Lol right! Finding the best way to position branches from one plant into the others empty spots and stuff lol oh the fun! Haha this will b great to watch. I'm sure you will Conjure up something great for a solution my friend!
Lol right! Finding the best way to position branches from one plant into the others empty spots and stuff lol oh the fun! Haha this will b great to watch. I'm sure you will Conjure up something great for a solution my friend!

One thing that will remain the same for sure is the positioning on the large mango. She will stay exactly where she is, for she wont fit anywhere else!! :D
All depends on the pair of bloodstones and how big and fast they grow. I forgot to pull a bucket of promix in from the garage to unfreeze, so I did it tonight and will be transplanting the last bloodstone tomorrow afternoon. I could just cull the little bloodstone, but no way!! I am pushing the barrier in the cab and trying to get the same, or a touch more bud than last round! :D