Fast Buds Pop22's Fast Buds Comp Grow - Rhino Ryder!

Ok kept you all waiting long enough! The bucket is for a Modified Kratky grow. A bucket of nutrient and a plant, that's it! Kratky used this method to grow lettuce, the res was not change thru the grow, about 30 days. I've tried it before and with Canna, 30 days is just too long. So I'm going to try a 3 week res change schedule and see how it goes! She's get started in my DIY clonebox, then transplanted into the pebbles. I grow seedlings in the clonebox with only a neoprene plug to hold the seedling in postion. When it has a 6-8" root, I'll transplant.

One seed sprouted and was transplanted into a 50/50 mix of wormcastings and coco. Seedlings love this!
A bucket of nutrient and a plant, that's it! Kratky used this method to grow lettuce, the res was not change thru the grow, about 30 days. I've tried it before and with Canna, 30 days is just too long. So I'm going to try a 3 week res change schedule and see how it goes!
wow no this is interesting pop i cant wait to see it in action!

One seed sprouted and was transplanted into a 50/50 mix of wormcastings and coco. Seedlings love this!
yup my babies love that worm poop!
Ok kept you all waiting long enough! The bucket is for a Modified Kratky grow. A bucket of nutrient and a plant, that's it! Kratky used this method to grow lettuce, the res was not change thru the grow, about 30 days. I've tried it before and with Canna, 30 days is just too long. So I'm going to try a 3 week res change schedule and see how it goes! She's get started in my DIY clonebox, then transplanted into the pebbles. I grow seedlings in the clonebox with only a neoprene plug to hold the seedling in postion. When it has a 6-8" root, I'll transplant.

One seed sprouted and was transplanted into a 50/50 mix of wormcastings and coco. Seedlings love this!
Ok kept you all waiting long enough! The bucket is for a Modified Kratky grow. A bucket of nutrient and a plant, that's it! Kratky used this method to grow lettuce, the res was not change thru the grow, about 30 days. I've tried it before and with Canna, 30 days is just too long. So I'm going to try a 3 week res change schedule and see how it goes! She's get started in my DIY clonebox, then transplanted into the pebbles. I grow seedlings in the clonebox with only a neoprene plug to hold the seedling in postion. When it has a 6-8" root, I'll transplant.

One seed sprouted and was transplanted into a 50/50 mix of wormcastings and coco. Seedlings love this!

pop22. I did a kratky grow last winter outdoors with a yellow squash in a 5 gal styrofoam ice chest lined with plastic and master blend fertilizer. It grew to for about 40-45 days i got about 6 squash of the plant before the res ran dry. It got a little rain water inside the res but no other water or nutes where added. I had huge white roots the took over the whole res with no air pump. You could see the air root from the water roots. Good luck on your Kratky grow.
Found some pic my krathy about 3 weeks of growth.

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