Indoor Pop22's Continual Autoflower Tent

How are you going to do this for the inquiring minds? Will you post results weekly, daily?

Made a batch of Megacrop. RO water with 120 ppms of cal/mag added and 580 ppms of Megacrop, for a 700 ppm solution. Hand watered all plants with it. Chazy Ice are getting big, will turn on the reservoir tomorrow! I'll feed them a 600 ppm solution to start. I find less nutrient is needed in auto pots due to your plants having a continuous supply of nutrients. I may raise it to 700ppms depending on how the plants look. Hand watered plants get 1 feeding a week. So far, from watering a pot of just soil, it seems to do well with the redworms, as they are lively and fat.
The Lucy's Diamonds are starting to flower. Looking like they'll be good size plants by harvest time! Rif Mountain looking a little N deficient, gave it Megacrop. We'll see if she corrects or not. She's only got 10-14 days left I think. Looking forward to a fresh supply of hashplant bud, this is some good smoking weed! And I'm not big on smoking. Its great in a vape also.
I'll get pics up later

Took a reading from the DLI-100 in the photo period tent. Meter was in a pot directly under the light in a pot with a clone. The light was 36" above the meter.

Looking at the pic I posted, you can see a series of ranges. If one led is blinking, thats the range your in. If 2 are blinking, the reading is in between the two ranges. The meter was blinking the top 2 leds, indicating a DLI about 25, and 1250 μmol. I'm a bit skeptical about that reading, so I'll be going in with the Apogee MQ-500 and taking some PAR readings.
Well, my mistake. I forgot the DLI-100 is actually aimed at the greenhouse market, so the meter is basing its readings on what would be a day/night cycle. From this it would estimate the μmol reading.

I took some actual readings and at 18" I'm getting 650 ppfd, which is about perfewct for a non-CO2 enhanced garden, 600-800 is at the top, beyond that the value of more light drops off rapidly unless your running CO2. Which means for me, I've got all the light I need in the Photo period tent from 360 watts of light. Next, I'll test the autoflower tent. I'll move a DLI-100 over there and tomorrow I'll get a reading with the Apogee.
apogee mq500.jpg