Indoor Pop22's Continual Autoflower Tent


Catching up my Black Dragon grow for this thread. In the Future, All but my Blue Dragon will be posted in the Dragon Meds Team section.

I started these December 6th and had 51 sprouts bt Dec.10th. I'll post a series of pics then update here after this. I'm posting the same pics in the Bioradiance test thread also.

Out of the 51, I got 30 females, with 3 being runts I moved to a cab to finish.

Black Dragons and CBD Haze pic1 -12-5-2018.jpg
Black Dragon seedlings pic2 -12-10-2018.jpg
Black Dragons pic2 -12-19-2018.JPG
black dragons pic1 -12-25-2018.JPG
Blsack Dragon pic2 -1-8-2019.jpg
Black Dragons pic1 -1-14-2019.jpg
I'm growing Haze CBD also but I'll keep them in the Bioradiance thread. After that, all autos will be in this thread ( Unless my mind goes a wandering ).