Dutch Passion Pop22's Auto Ultimate grow - My Second Quest to grow a One Pound auto!

broke a damn branch this morning while threading them through the screen........ grrrrrrrrr

Going for a pound......and already snipping off whole branches.........this can only end up being quite a BELTER!!!

If my Ultimates is anything to go by, expect growth of a meter or so the next 2-3 weeks......I would start supercropping galore and re-inforce that scrog screen..............with a little nudge, I see something BIG and HEAVY in your near future.....
Carrying the world.gif
Thanks corgy! I'm waiting for the explosion of growth! And it would really break my heart to have cola's so big they fall over...........

Going for a pound......and already snipping off whole branches.........this can only end up being quite a BELTER!!!

If my Ultimates is anything to go by, expect growth of a meter or so the next 2-3 weeks......I would start supercropping galore and re-inforce that scrog screen..............with a little nudge, I see something BIG and HEAVY in your near future.....View attachment 519943
I'm concerned she hasn't flowered yet! 43 days. I may flip her to 12/12 when I get back from vacation! Gave her 4 gallons of water yesterday. I'll give her another 2 gallons today and she'll be good for a week. I've placed all the other plants in trays and bottom water them.

She's looking good and filling in the net quickly. If she doesn't flower soon, I'm in trouble!

AU pic1 1-10-2016.jpg
AU pic2 1-10-2016.jpg
Hope she flowers soon brother... I had a Dr.Feelgod auto didn't sex til day 53 and started flower around day 56.... all under 20/4 but I was worried I had a non auto on my hands
She is looking great, Pop22! Have no worries about her being late from flowering. I did start to have action around day 40 but you have so large reservoir I think it affects on the timing some. True monsters flowers later and takes over 100 days to finish, right?

I'd bet my bottom dollar she is going to push bud soon and when it starts, it will go with a bang!
i'm sure with as much root space as you gave her shes just filling all that up to give you a glorious bounty she'll flower for you my friend i'm sure of it. will probably go 100 days + so you still got over 50 days of flower time she'll be good. too bad you snapped whole tip off. i've had good luck in past with honey and tape mending damaged branches. best wishes for the 1# mark thou. is the 2nd ultimate doing as well?