Dutch Passion Pop22's Auto Ultimate grow - My Second Quest to grow a One Pound auto!

12 hours in a glass of water, then into a paper towel. I've had high success rate this way.

Guess I just don't have enough patience........... she finally sprouted today! Wooooo Hooooooooo! :yay:

Tried to get a pic but its so tiny............

Now I need to figure out what to do with the second one...... lol

Pop..... What method did u use for sprout the seed. Glass of water untill u see it cracks? Mine were slow aswell... But eventually they all sprouted...
Done deal as far as I'm concerned........an Ultimate Dragon blue in the face.........gimme one and I'll grow it!!!


you could go this way


(Nicked this from https://www.autoflower.org/threads/triangle-kush-k-i-s-s-xmas-comedy-bonus.48261/page-3#post-942237 @HubbaBubba)
Pop I've got that same led and plants seem to be doing well under it but this is my first grow with it so we'll see how it goes

I'm declaring that first seedling a stunted little piece of crap...... I'm disappointed........I'll stick it in a corner and let it live............
The second seed already had an inch long taproot today. Its planted and should pop up in a day or two! THIS one I know is going to be fine!

The Runt next to an Alien Triangle planted the same day........
