Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

Forgot to open the windows this morning. At 1 pm it was 106F....lol! With the windows open, it got down to 85. Outside was 79F so decent passive. I'm putting my fans in soon, my buy the exhaust fan kit they have also, I don't want a repeat of last year.........

Damn!!!!!!!!!! Those things ARE taking off!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are your average temps inside the greenhouse during the day?? Also, do you use passive ventilation or do you have fans that work to keep the air moving during the day??
Forgot to open the windows this morning. At 1 pm it was 106F....lol! With the windows open, it got down to 85. Outside was 79F so decent passive. I'm putting my fans in soon, my buy the exhaust fan kit they have also, I don't want a repeat of last year.........
gets scarey hot fast. Just seeded mine yesterday, cool wet overcast barely can push 50 outside, clouds part a little and goes to 90 on the floor pretty fast. My job until sprout is manage venting.
Looking good pop22! I cloned some tomatoes two years ago also and I agree that they are easy to clone. I did two in a glass of water they made roots in about a week so I had to try in my homemade cloner with rooting hormone it only took two days and I had half a dozen new plants I wish weed cloned that fast. and since I'm back on weed that kind soil looks like its gonna do you well.
Ok! Pics today! Moved my ladies this morning, yesterday was one of those days..........

Things are looking good and the weather is nice! Things should start really taking off in the greenhouse soon!.
So far I have:
1 Blueberry Domina
1 Auto Ultimate
2 Blue Dragon
2 Dragon's Blood
Assorted tomatoes including Blue tomatoes
Jalapeno peppers


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Blueberry Domina.....nice, probably not a good idea for daytime smoke...............:dizzy:
gets scarey hot fast. Just seeded mine yesterday, cool wet overcast barely can push 50 outside, clouds part a little and goes to 90 on the floor pretty fast. My job until sprout is manage venting.
I've been having fun with this, too. I took out a smal tree this spring which had been shading the sunroom at the crucial time of day...man it spiked over a hundred in there quick a couple times, with like 12% RH. I'm glad for the sunlight but can see I need to figure out my ventilation/ climate control options or it's gonna be babysitting constantly for this fhing.