Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

Hey Trail.....shall we hold his hands and hack our way into the trees ???? With his permission of course !
Hey Pop22,
I asked this question in Wile e 's thread, but I also wanted your answer specifically.
Hey guys,
My seedilings are 7 days old today.
Getting hungry as they have had only water until today.
I started them on Dynagro bloom at 1/3 strength.
Should I bump it up to half strength?
I don't want to burn them this early.
Oh ya, 4" pots filled with 60% coco, 30% perlite and 10% worm castings.
What do you think?
I thought the castings would be good for 2-3 weeks, but they are starting to get pale at one week.
So I fed them.
3- Nashira
3- Sour Mango
6- Stone Dragons
Thanks pop
I value your opinion.
Start your feed at 1/4 to 1/3 strength. i'd go 1/4. After two weeks, bump it up to 1/2. Thats as high as you may need to go. I use worm castings in all my starter pots, even for coco. the nutrients and beneficial fungi and bacteria help seedlings to grow quickly. For seedlings that will go into coco, I mix coco and wormcastings 50/50. the castings also help the coco to stay compacted during transplant.

Hey Pop22,
I asked this question in Wile e 's thread, but I also wanted your answer specifically.
Hey guys,
My seedilings are 7 days old today.
Getting hungry as they have had only water until today.
I started them on Dynagro bloom at 1/3 strength.
Should I bump it up to half strength?
I don't want to burn them this early.
Oh ya, 4" pots filled with 60% coco, 30% perlite and 10% worm castings.
What do you think?
I thought the castings would be good for 2-3 weeks, but they are starting to get pale at one week.
So I fed them.
3- Nashira
3- Sour Mango
6- Stone Dragons
Thanks pop
I value your opinion.
Thanks Pop22,
The label states;
2-3 tsp for recirculating systems or
1 tsp for non recirculating systems.
so I mixed 1 tsp to 3 gallons of h2o
I will give them this till they start blooming or show more need of nutes.