Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

Update: Its been a while, all kinds of disasters ...lol! But on track again! Greenhouse has cxhanged quite a bit. I've chopped 2 of the Ducksfoot and two of the Blue Dragon.

Those ducks have a lot more bud than they look like! One of the smaller ones gave me 48 grams dry, and the bigger one, which didn't look all that much bigger.., is going to weight out about twice that! And OMG is that some POTENT weed! One of the strongest I've smoked in 40 years!!! VERY Sativa high, yet enjoyable, even when VERY VERY stoned...lol!
Sampled some bud from one of the dragon's that had dried...WOOOOOooooo! Best greenhouse bud I've ever grown! Considering they get no UV, or at most, very little, I'm impressed. And speaking of Dragons, I've got one I just can't seem to get a good pic of......... she has a 3FOOT COLA! And the base of the cola I can't even put my hands around! she has a couple more weeks to go! Humidity has gone down finally. 2 days ago it was 92% in the greenhouse, today it was 46%. And I've so far prevented budrot. Found a couple buds along the way with some and cut the off the bud. So this year so far, I've lost a few grams vs last year's loss of maybe a 1/2 pound!

A couple are close to done, maybe next week sometime I'll chop them. But we have some cold weather coming also, I'm hoping the three that are the slowest finish before they get hit with frost, although the greenhouse should keep them protected. I'm anxious though to wrap this up though, I want to build the raised b eds for next year in the greenhouse and get them filled and composting now. Going to plant beets and beans to fix N into the soil.

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excellent grow, don't worry about the frost, 20F a couple nights late season, plants showed no concern, but, my greenhouse abuts the cabin southside, greenhouse laughs at frost
Yeah, I forgot..lol! Getting some color in one of the remaining dragons. One getting chopped tomorrow, another maybe a week. The BIG cola plant who knows...lol Hoping she decides to finish soon
Next week I hope to start building the first greenhouse raised bed.

excellent grow, don't worry about the frost, 20F a couple nights late season, plants showed no concern, but, my greenhouse abuts the cabin southside, greenhouse laughs at frost
Here's a pic of the star of the greenhouse! This plant is 4' 4" tall, and has a 3' cola! I can't get my hands even close to around the base! And the branches have buds as big as my fists, and my hands are not small! I'll hate to chop her ... but I'm curious as to her dry harvest weight too lol! I have one more good size plant, but won't match this for bud, hell, I bet she out produces both the other plants together!

I've has such a great season! I hate to see it end! I've taken is 12 oz so far this crop. I estimate another 10-12 oz, so 1.5 pounds may be the finally tally, we'll see, not done yet! Won't chop for a couple days yet.

Blue Dragon 3ft Cola -9-27-2016.jpg
Blue Dragon Cola pic1 -9-27-2016.jpg