Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

We're in the final stretch! Colas are swelling, and the stink is on! WOW! The smell of a greenhouse full of Blue Dragon is amazing! Looked at the ducksfoot with a scope. The oldest one is near done, maybe a week, 10 days. Evrything else I'll say 3-4 more weeks..yikes! Really don't want to deal with October weather. And humidity has been high for a couple days, got 3 fans going in the greenhouse and the door partially open, which i don't like doing. First sign of budrot though, i'm chopping everything! Rather chop early than lose 1/3-1/2 my bud like I did last year! And I got a lot more bud to lose this year! Uh Uh!

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Pics from today:

Blue Dragon:

greenhouse Blue Dragon Bud pic1 -9-10-2016.jpg
greenhouse Blue Dragon Bud pic2 -9-10-2016.jpg
greenhouse Blue Dragon pic1 -9-10-2016.jpg
greenhouse Blue Dragon pic2 -9-10-2016.jpg
greenhouse Blue Dragon pic3 -9-10-2016.jpg


df pic1 -9-10-2016.jpg
df pic2 -9-10-2016.jpg
df pic3 -9-10-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot Bud pic1 -9-10-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot Bud pic2 -9-10-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot Bud pic3 -9-10-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot Bud pic4 -9-10-2016.jpg
Hey! Thank you! Things are good right now. I found more bud rot so I just chopped three plants with the biggest colas. didn't lose much. I'm checking every day, looking each plant over closely. Better to chop early! And they were 70-80% cloudy trichs anyway. Would have liked a little amber, but its not important. Got a nice pile of bud started!

nice job on them Ducksfoot Pop! hope all is as well as it can be for ya man sending :vibes: your way man
It looks like my Blue Dragon autos run 70-80 days in the greenhouse, and 65-75 indoors. The ducks seem to flower quickly, I need to look it up but I think they are maybe 7 weeks of flower. Pretty quick for a Sativa!
I sampled a bud a couple days ago. GOOD smoke! Very up, good for 2 -2 1/2 hrs. odd taste but not unpleasant, kinda like un-sweetened cornflakes lol

Yep, I'm letting them go a while longer.

oh,a sati dom eh? NICE,hell man, I would let em go till thewy are halfway amber jus to see how stable it/they might be out a little bit..? might be cool,and totally some potent smoke Im sure :D