Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

These are my first and I'm excited to see also! My understanding, someone local brought it back from Australia years ago. The last ones exsisting are now all clones. I'm going to STS one of the 2 younger ones I think and make seed.

im interested in these i have never seen one flower yet

Harvest so far for this years greenhouse:

Definitely up from last year!

Small auto Ultimate: 24 grams

Dragon Kush: 12 Grams

Double Bubbly: 34 Grams

Dragon's Blood: 18 Grams

And the best for last,

Auto Ultimate: 153 Grams

Total: 241 grams / 8.6 ounces! I'm pleased!
These are my first and I'm excited to see also! My understanding, someone local brought it back from Australia years ago. The last ones exsisting are now all clones. I'm going to STS one of the 2 younger ones I think and make seed.
nice man! now you really have me interested with the STS!!
I've never done it but, everyone who's done it I know of has had good sucess and it's easier than coloidal silver. Usually one application and balls start sprouting! I'll STS one and pollinate the other if all goes well. In the meantime I'll keep taking clones.

nice man! now you really have me interested with the STS!!

Harvest so far for this years greenhouse:

Definitely up from last year!

Small auto Ultimate: 24 grams

Dragon Kush: 12 Grams

Double Bubbly: 34 Grams

Dragon's Blood: 18 Grams

And the best for last,

Auto Ultimate: 153 Grams

Total: 241 grams / 8.6 ounces! I'm pleased!

Damn this is one of those times I wished I had high speed internet, so I could go through your full journal(too many pics and my internet is a poor working machine :( ). So my biggest question is the 153g autoultimate...what happened here versus the rest of the plants? Was there something special done that made it a monster or was it just a genetic beast?
Hey man 8oz is a nice pull! And the best part is you get to smoke 5 different kinds!
153gr AU? dinky as AU goes really. My first one, indoors went 312grams! This one was left in the starter pot too long. Weather didn't cooperate for opening the grrenhouse when planned. I believe she'd have been a 1 pound plant otherwise. This AU was grown in a 10 gallon, bottom watered tote, using organic soil, nothing else.

And yes, I love running multi-strain grows! I keep maybe 8 Altoids tins filled with different strains and probably smoke/vape three each day lol!

Just some pics as now I'm just waiting for them big girls to bloom.

greenhouse pic1 -8-5-2016.jpg
greenhouse pic2 -8-5-2016.jpg
greenhouse pic3 -8-5-2016.jpg
I love running multi-strain grows! I keep maybe 8 Altoids tins filled with different strains and probably smoke/vape three each day lol!
haha Variety is the key to life pop! i like to smoke a sativa dom like AK-47 or mex air in the AM( i sampled some yesterday, WOW! i know why you like it so much now!) a 50/50 hybrid from like 2PM till about 8 then onto the indica dom's for the rest of the night... it works beautifully! i coudnt deal with having a shit load of just 1 strain....
Those blue Dragons are my own cross I've been working on for about 2 years now. It is a cross of Blueberry Headband and Durrty Dragon.
removed my blueberry headband from greenhouse, 74 days, only preflowers, made room for ones doing it, shame, 45" of lime green beauty