Outdoor Pop22's 2016 Greenhouse Grows

Went to the doc today, and its confirmed, I've a torn rotator cuff on the left side now..... shit the right side still hurts and I had that done last September! AND..... I've had pains in the muscles of my arms, and I knew that was something else from the rotator cuff. I was worried it might be systemic, but it turns out its a problem in my neck from a car crash in 2008. So, I'm not sick, just broken.........lol!

And that leads back to the wagon. WHAT a great buy! Its nicely made and handy as hell! I wheel it righ inside to the bathroom to fetch my RO water to the greenhouse.

And I've mixed soil in it and I sit on a bucket and fill flower pots right in the wagon! I'll even use it now when I bring in groceries! Best $60 I've spent in a while!

That looks like a really nice wagon pop22!
Hate to hear about the shoulder but like you said, you aren't sick. That wagon is an all purpose vehicle for sure! :d5:
... So, I'm not sick, just broken.........lol!
Glad ya added yer own "lol" Pop cuz that's whut I was a doin' when I read that part.

About bein "broken" that is. Cuz I am as well (-:

And more than a few others here as well I'm sure!

The dump wagon is pert near mandatory for folks like us, wonder if I can jury-rig something like that..........
I built a couple wooden stands for my reserviors and that about killed me. I'm ok working below my waist, but when I have to work higher up, I lose all strength from the pain, it pisses me off! But I, as do we all, find ways to accomplish what we need to! I'd have built my own, but the price in pain was a lot more than that of paying $59.00...........

Glad ya added yer own "lol" Pop cuz that's whut I was a doin' when I read that part.

About bein "broken" that is. Cuz I am as well (-:

And more than a few others here as well I'm sure!

The dump wagon is pert near mandatory for folks like us, wonder if I can jury-rig something like that..........
Actually, watering is not too bad. It is a bit of a hassle but saves me from lifting. i have a 50 gallon collapsible water barrel in there with a valve and a hose. I make and treat RO water in 5 gallon buckets. The only lifting i do is from the floor to the wagon. I bring te wagon in the house load my buckets and take them to the greenhouse. I have a small pump I used for DWC. I pymp the water from the buckets to the barrel. Right now, I use about 35 gallons a week. I'm currently adding about 20% tap water to reduce RO waste. so when I water I just use the hose!

popping indeed, keeping up with watering is a chore now