Outdoor Playboys outdoor cage/green house grow 2018

Of course! I’m really interested in watching this beaut.

Are those 5 gal smart pots your girls are planted in? I’m leaning towards ditching plastic containers and switching to more breathable pots next time.
Those are auccualy 7 gallon my friend, and I recommend that you do switch over, iv done many grows with plastic containers and nothing is wrong with them I started on them,
Those are auccualy 7 gallon my friend, and I recommend that you do switch over, iv done many grows with plastic containers and nothing is wrong with them I started on them,
Alot of talk on air pruning makeing a huge difference maby I'll do a side by side with the same stain in 2 different pots one plastic one smart and see how much it really reflects on the plant
Update on the first mephisto mystery lady on day 28