I grow awesome and only use seven bottles (including ph test and up/down).

Pics or it didn't ever happen :smoking:

Guys, I get that we all are just wanting to help and share what ever has worked for us, but at that same token we all have to admit that our subjective experience is but of our own and everyone of us has different circumstances that affects the outcome. Therefore lets just try to keep it respectful towards everyone and try to understand some general outlines to these things.
So your comming from the angle of not changing your water? I'm trying to understand you. I wouldn't suggest to a beginner to work with the water in the rez, I'd suggest weekly water changes, like every trash day. No worries, no additives.

Ease up on the guy ManOgreen, throwing advanced stuff at him is why hes having issues. Not just you, and please dont take it personally. Advanced techniques is why his grow wasn't to good, he's confused. Keeping it simple for beginners is the ticket they need.

I obviously don't need to post pics to prove that I know what I'm talking about but I did add a photo to the contest that's about to start in the photoperiod section. Plant was just over two weeks old (I believe) and had a canopy ten times the size of PickleRicks two week photo, so yeah...
Here's my seven bottles, all I use, I have calmag too but rarely use it. Simple and highly effective. All seven are mandatory. My grow is so simple, additives (other than calmag) are a waste of money and can cause problems. I prefer an awesome harvest without errs from messing with additives. I'll show y'all when this next plant is almost done I guess, you know, to prove myself :). I understand though. That bud is headband.
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Here's a three day comparison. I guess I'll start a grow thread, I don't want to but I want to show a bomb ass grow with minimal money and effort. Just wait till you see trichs and yield :)
-Don't ever change your PH. Keep it at 6 unless the breeder suggests otherwise. Ditch the meter and use liquid tests. Meters have always failed me, imho meters are a gimmic with a 100% failure rate.

To what do you base this claim? Time and time again I have seen told that in hydroponics the optimal range of pH is between 5.8 to 6.2. In my personal, subjective experience I've had issues with a proper Ca -uptake if the pH is been below 6. This is why I want to, personally, keep the pH around 6.2 to 6.3 all through the vegetative growth. In generative period, I let it float around 5.9 to 6.3. While static pH of 6 all times might work for you, I think it is a mistake to assume that it would automatically be the best choise for someone else who is growing in completely different enviromental factors with completely different set of nutrients from what you use. This is why I would be hesitant to advice such absolutes or make such bold, inflexible claims like this.

pH pens do work if you are using a quality brand and keep a good care of them. I've used one and same pH pen over 4 years now and it is still very very accurate. Why? Because I take good care of it like you should. Now I do agree with you that a liquid pH test is a very good tool to have along with pH pen. Especially at the start since when the EC is very low and there are not much dissolved solids in the solution, pH pens won't perform reliably. I think it is always good to douple check with liquid test if you suspect your pH pen might be out of whack.

Ease up on the guy ManOgreen, throwing advanced stuff at him is why hes having issues. Not just you, and please dont take it personally. Advanced techniques is why his grow wasn't to good, he's confused. Keeping it simple for beginners is the ticket they need.

I don't think @Mañ'O'Green is "throwing advanced stuff" at @PickleRick and I think it would be unfair to claim that that's why he had issues. Again, why do you find it justified to arrive to such a conclusion? This was a guys first grow and ofcourse there will be factors that affects the outcome. I think PickleRick kept it relatively simple here to begin with and I think he is a smart guy and wasn't really confused. Everyone of us needs some grows as a beginner to dial in their system to get the most out of them. I do agree with you that keeping it simple is the way to go though but on the same token, I think you are taking it too far.

My grow is so simple, additives (other than calmag) are a waste of money and can cause problems. I prefer an awesome harvest without errs from messing with additives.

Some additives can truly be a waste of money. Additives in general are a waste of money only if you don't have the basics right. If and when you have the basics right, additives will help the plant with its processes. This ofcourse requires the know-how from the grower to be able to tell when and what amounts to use of what at any given time. There are decades of grower experience and scientific studies that tells another story than what you are claiming here and it kind of flies in almost everyone else's face here. I give you that you can mess up your grow with additives if you are abusing them like you can pretty much mess up anything by abusing anything. This alone still isn't enough validation to say that all additives are "waste of money".

For example it would be very pseudoscientific for you to claim that silicon -additives won't do anything for your plant. There are numerous studies done by universities that give positive results from anything from increased photosynthesis, to thicker and stronger cellwalls and even increased ability to fight pathogens. Same would apply for additives that contain amino acids and carbohydrates not to mention using enzyme products and beneficial bacteria. They all are additives and hugely beneficial if used right.

View attachment 817874 View attachment 817875 Here's a three day comparison. I guess I'll start a grow thread, I don't want to but I want to show a bomb ass grow with minimal money and effort. Just wait till you see trichs and yield :)

I think you would better start a growdiary of your own. I am sure with just the basics you will do fine and I would be glad to follow along. Debating on the nutrients and additives regarding to the outcome of the grow and while comparing these people often forget the most important factor, the light that is being used. Personally I like to measure the outcome of any given grow by how much light has been used (wattage) vs. how good the yield is.
I see you guys been busy in here. :shooty:
As growers we will most times have different opinions, different enviorments and tools at our disposal. Thanks for the advice @Be4u I'm quite on top of things.
Try not to "shove" info in someones face, and tell them. This is how it is, and this is how you should do it - esp. since you are a new member on this site, just like me.

I'm happy with my first DWC grow, I more then doubled my yield from last grow. :smoking:

Last weeks problem, my old tent I had planed to hang my girls in. The humidity jumped up to 80% just after 10 mins in the tent. So had to find a new spot. It was a bit to dry in the space I hung them, so ergo, they dried to quickly.

Super Critical Auto - Greenhouse seed company
Harvested 66 days from seed and yielded 54g.



She sadly lost some of her smell due to the fast dry. After a few couple of hits you can feel the head-band effect, and it's very body relaxing. She will put you to sleep within a few hours if you don't smoke more, perfect night time smoke. :pass:

Miss Auto-Bomb has been chopped, she's getting jarred today or tomorrow.
Happy thursday!