Not 100% sure, but those could be moth larvae, they feed on the buds from inside and lay eggs in there or some shit, that's why it shriveled up I think :2cents:.
Friend had the same situation, larvae and poop, on an outdoor balcony grow this summer. He used a natural insecticide and hunted them down by hand :amazon:.

Anyways, I can't say that I'm completely sure about that, so checking out the Infirmary is still the best advice :thumbsup:.
Yeah that's my thought exectly. Well, I have not seen anything else, and I'm watching my plants way too much as it is. ;) I removed the buds when I found them, so hopefully any and all eggs were in them.
Lovin the close up pics. Everything is looking on point! As for the bugs, I'm not sure. The only pest I've ever dealt with was fungus gnats when I was using soil. The remedy for those was diamateous earth powder. It's all natural and eliminates numerous pests. Of course that was for soil, so I'm not sure what could be done for hydro..
@RamboGarden Thanks man, but wouldn't you know it...

So..I had planed to take her down wednesday evening. When I checked on the girls wednesday morning, I saw that one of the big leafs on the top was yellow, and a few smaller leafs around her. I knew right away, bud rot. I checked pics I took 24h previous, and not a sign. So it happens fast once it gets hold. I lost half the main cola and another top. Sad, but glad I saw it when I did, naturally I panic shopped her in the morning when I really didn't have time. Didn't want it to spread more, even for the day.
So sorry for the hasty pics, wanted to do a better job documenting, but just didn't have the time.

Day 66 - Super Critical Auto

Harvest time

Fan leafs stripped, I did a full wet trim later, didn't get any photos.


...while we wait for her to dry up a bit, enjoy this vegan chocolate cake. :woohoo1:
I used 40g of trim in coconut oil.

Super critical chocolate

It didn't turn out as potent of a cake as I was hoping for. That said, started to feel a bit fluffy around the eyes in about 20mins. I ate 1/4 of it. About 2,5-3 hours in i was peaking and giggleing like a little girl. 4 hours in she had me fast asleep on the sofa. Didn't get up the whole time, couch-lock confirmed. :thumbsup:
Smoke report coming when she gets jarred.

Happy saturday everyone!:smokeit:
So it's harvested?
I skimmed through your thread. With all the craziness, you did fine and the good news is you'll get better! I promise. Please don't take my post or opinion the wrong way. I'm here to help.

I'm trying to wrap my head around all the craziness. lol. Why so elaborate? Your putting too much into the grow. That just adds to the things that could go wrong. Your growing a weed, it don't take much.

-Don't ever change your PH. Keep it at 6 unless the breeder suggests otherwise. Ditch the meter and use liquid tests. Meters have always failed me, imho meters are a gimmic with a 100% failure rate.
-stop it with all the additives. There is only one you need, hydroguard. (Calmag can be handy...maybe)
-give up on the RO water, just another headache to figure out. Just dechlorinate tap water. I stopped using RO, waste of time for zero gains.
Your doing a lot of work for your first DWC and your plants are stressed and stunted. I'm thinking you could have nearly doubled your harvest? Maybe it's the genetics...
-never grow in dwc without hydroguard and a ph of 6. I only add 1/4 tbsp per gallon. I believe that's too much but I'm scared to go any lower, lol. Rootrot was my bain till I found aquashield.
-umm, trying to light getting to your water? I thought I saw a picture that has a large hole in the lid. Treat light in your water like light during the dark hours. Zero.
-there's a thread somewhere around here where a guy, I think his name was greenbeans or something, had a pretty good guide. If i find it ill post it.

That's all I can think of. This is all my opinion. Just trying to help.
So it's harvested?
I skimmed through your thread. With all the craziness, you did fine and the good news is you'll get better! I promise. Please don't take my post or opinion the wrong way. I'm here to help.

I'm trying to wrap my head around all the craziness. lol. Why so elaborate? Your putting too much into the grow. That just adds to the things that could go wrong. Your growing a weed, it don't take much.

-Don't ever change your PH. Keep it at 6 unless the breeder suggests otherwise. Ditch the meter and use liquid tests. Meters have always failed me, imho meters are a gimmic with a 100% failure rate.
-stop it with all the additives. There is only one you need, hydroguard. (Calmag can be handy...maybe)
-give up on the RO water, just another headache to figure out. Just dechlorinate tap water. I stopped using RO, waste of time for zero gains.
Your doing a lot of work for your first DWC and your plants are stressed and stunted. I'm thinking you could have nearly doubled your harvest? Maybe it's the genetics...
-never grow in dwc without hydroguard and a ph of 6. I only add 1/4 tbsp per gallon. I believe that's too much but I'm scared to go any lower, lol. Rootrot was my bain till I found aquashield.
-umm, trying to light getting to your water? I thought I saw a picture that has a large hole in the lid. Treat light in your water like light during the dark hours. Zero.
-there's a thread somewhere around here where a guy, I think his name was greenbeans or something, had a pretty good guide. If i find it ill post it.

That's all I can think of. This is all my opinion. Just trying to help.

Well I don't agree with most of this and I have a lot of experience with DWC and other Hydro methods. First of all allowing your PH to range between 5.6 and 6.4 allows the plants to uptake various nutrients easier as the PH passes through the preferred zone and you are not constantly adding up or down to keep it in a fixed spot such as 5.8 (which by the way is the recommended PH by most nutrient manufacturers Dyna-Gro recommends 6.1 for their line.) Buy a quality PH meter and keep it calibrated and stored properly. It is far more accurate than liquid tests which are subjective to your color vision. Yes meters wear out replace them every couple of years. Just don't make big corrections in PH over 1 point at a time. I have great results with and highly recommend Botanicare HydroGuard, I don't do hydro without it. Use a manufacturer's entire nutrient line they know a lot more than we do about their nutrients. Not all tap water is suitable for use as is, PPMs should be <150 if not mix in RO to get it below that number, Do aerate municipal water overnight to get the chlorine out before using it. Light getting into the reservoir stimulates algae growth which in and of itself is not a major problem but it robs the roots of some oxygen and is messy. There are many things important that you didn't cover but I cover those as they come up.
As we learn together...
Using a liquid PH test kit is perfect for fluctuation. You make the water PH 6 to your eye but it'll be a tad higher or lower too. You can't see the difference in 6.0 and 5.9/6.1. When you make it 6 it's going to be one of thoes three. Now, you can faintly see 5.8/6.2 and that's ok too.

All I can say about PH is keep it simple for success every time. When you get everything balanced (rockwool, media, water) and keep making 6 water you really won't have to worry about ph-up/ph-down and have your fluxuation.

Having a liquid test kit as part of your equipment is a must, weather you prefer meters or not. Ever have a meter go wonky, rez full of new water you thought was 5.8, waiting a week for a new meter that didn't come with calibration packets, wait another week as your plants turn to crap. I did and it sucks. Bad.

Always go with manufacturer recomendations! Oh, and spending 150$ on a quality meter is a huge waste of money, stored properly or not, it will fail in less than three years. For a one time purchase I could have enough solution to last the rest of my life. lol. Never fail.

Hydroguard and DWC are married. Without one there is no need to grow :D

Aerateing water while declorinating is a personal preference. When I found out there is no need to aerate I stopped wasting my time.

Light being ok in your rez is nonsense. What? Why would you say it's ok? Even the light that seeps in through a clear airline is bad. Light just creates another issue with your water, causing more problems, more money spent to cure them and loss of bud.

Also, why would you talk about things I didn't bring up if your not going to bring them up yourself? It's ok for you to cover them as they come up but I'm expected to clever them beforehand? You got me giggling dude.
Obviously PickleRick used the guidance of some people around here but didn't get much help. Growing DWC is cake. Look at his harvest. Awesome for a beginner but honestly, it's not that good. I see people talking about Magic Dragon Slobber, gooseneck anti bad Karma juice, Superman Root with bombastic cute packaging. All un-needed. I grow awesome and only use seven bottles (including ph test and up/down).
As we learn together...
Using a liquid PH test kit is perfect for fluctuation. You make the water PH 6 to your eye but it'll be a tad higher or lower too. You can't see the difference in 6.0 and 5.9/6.1. When you make it 6 it's going to be one of thoes three. Now, you can faintly see 5.8/6.2 and that's ok too.

All I can say about PH is keep it simple for success every time. When you get everything balanced (rockwool, media, water) and keep making 6 water you really won't have to worry about ph-up/ph-down and have your fluxuation.

Having a liquid test kit as part of your equipment is a must, weather you prefer meters or not. Ever have a meter go wonky, rez full of new water you thought was 5.8, waiting a week for a new meter that didn't come with calibration packets, wait another week as your plants turn to crap. I did and it sucks. Bad.

Always go with manufacturer recomendations! Oh, and spending 150$ on a quality meter is a huge waste of money, stored properly or not, it will fail in less than three years. For a one time purchase I could have enough solution to last the rest of my life. lol. Never fail.

Hydroguard and DWC are married. Without one there is no need to grow :D

Aerateing water while declorinating is a personal preference. When I found out there is no need to aerate I stopped wasting my time.

Light being ok in your rez is nonsense. What? Why would you say it's ok? Even the light that seeps in through a clear airline is bad. Light just creates another issue with your water, causing more problems, more money spent to cure them and loss of bud.

Also, why would you talk about things I didn't bring up if your not going to bring them up yourself? It's ok for you to cover them as they come up but I'm expected to clever them beforehand? You got me giggling dude.

The exudes from the roots (especially when moving into full flower) in your DWC can cause wild PH swings so just adding 6 water is not going to resolve that.
Aerating the water before using it not only helps to dechlorinate it it also helps to remove calcium carbonate which in turn helps to stabilize the PH. It also maintains the dissolved oxygen so you are not starting off with stagnant water. I did not recommend adding light to your reservoir I simply stated that it is not a major problem to have a little algae in your system obviously it is a problem if it clogs your lines. You should be using black lines in the first place.
Obviously PickleRick used the guidance of some people around here but didn't get much help. Growing DWC is cake. Look at his harvest. Awesome for a beginner but honestly, it's not that good. I see people talking about Magic Dragon Slobber, gooseneck anti bad Karma juice, Superman Root with bombastic cute packaging. All un-needed. I grow awesome and only use seven bottles (including ph test and up/down).
Show us some pictures of your grows and help out these beginners.