Another late update, sorry guys been busy with life. :smoking:
First things first. 2-3 weeks ago I found a larva climbing on one of my stems, took the little bugger out.
Since then I found 2 buds that were all shrivled up, and had some tiny brown spots in them. From what I gather I think it's poop?
I've had all windows open this summer, and I've deported a few moths from the grow space.
Here's a picture
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If anyone knows for sure what this is, please be so kind to enlighten me.
They are super tiny, visible with the naked eye, but barley.
And now on to the good news. Life is coming to an end for Miss Super Critical Auto.
I know everyone has their own opinion on flushing. Here's my thought process.
Her feed was 950ppm at highest, been cleaning the bucket every week at water change. So she is goning to get 3 days of RO water, non pH:ed. Then she is coming down.
If you think this is to little or have any other thoughts, tell me. I just don't want to start a "flush war" thread.
Day 63 - Super Critical Auto
This is the top of the main cola
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So frosty
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There is quite a bit of purple-ing going one when you get close up, and the amber is about 5% on the buds, more on the leafs.
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Day 73 - Auto-Bomb
She is finally putting on some weight. She is not going to yield anywhere
near as much as her sister, I'm just glad she is giving me something.
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...and she frosted up in the end, again, nothing compared to her sister.
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So, next update one girl will be chopped. Don't know how long Miss Auto-Bomb needs. She has a few ambers, but not looking done at all, lots of white hairs still.
Happy monday everyone!