PH Testing

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Ulcers in ur tummy ...My second mother has been diagnosed terminal so to say. .....shes fighting tooth and nail and SWAMP finally got her some medi kes said SCREW IT she had never broken a law or did anything out of the ordinary soccer mom lifestyle ..she didn't smoke ciggs drink alcohol or anything ...but her eating habits were never good ....
Has Segere ulcers and lady part tumors and she passed 65 so she can't get an operation ..
Since Aunty Stsrted this thread the first time I relayed some info and tips and glad to see this going again ...
We found her problems easily fixed by researching ourselves ......She finishes Chemo tomorrow and she has made a drastci change ...DRs have that Awww Wtf look
May I offer to you guys the info on Mass Amounts of

We put her on this as well and in her last chemo treatments she was damn near rid of it ....she double dosed almost every day and she flew through the roof ...she had KNEE problems sever vein issues and clots and she feels like a young girl again ...she can function very well ...
These weren't the exact cure but we measured her ph did some food changes more RAW and switch her from coffe at 10 cups a day to 3 and more teas ...

Gotta say thanks the Aunty for this months ago

And Dub if ya don't mind get the thread ASAP LOL. ...
I also follow BLOOD TYPE DIETS
AND I'm sure we could fit some recipes together ...
I eat almost vegetarian but I gotta have my chicken and fish....80% raw tho ..
4.9 yesterday morning and 5.2 this morning no wonder im ruff as pie :beast:
Well, happy to report things are feeling a whole lot better for me right now. Yea, a whole point lower than my normal... I can't imagine if I was in the 4s. I'll test next time I have to go... but I also just started juicing again yesterday as I couldn't take in anything but water & tylenol for 4 days.

Ive contracted a deadly flu strain. no insurance or doctor, so I'm handling this as well as I can on my own. My urine pH when the flu first came on was 7.4. Why would I have still gotten sick if sickness isn't supposed to be forming at that pH level?

Also... if you do get the flu, get some wild oregano oil. It's a great antiviral and I think has been a huge help in lessening my symptoms, and by lessening... they were still the worst sickness symptoms Ive ever experienced in my life, but my girlfriend was worse. So i know it couldve been worse.

TMM so ph is not directly related to your immune system 100% of the time. Your white blood cells are constantly fighting bacteria and viruses you come in contact with. They do this by oxygenating the virus and bacteria to kill them but as they do this your white blood cells drop and you become vulnerable even if your ph is 7.4. Now to my point why h202 therapy is so important for anyone. By addidng oxygen into your system it increases your white blood cells and you can fight off more and more attacks. Which is very important in a day in age where every cleaning product and hand soap is antibacterial. Which is creating more super bacteria and viruses.
I agree. I'd like to start utilizing that. Seeing what having maintained a high pH (neutral, but high compared to most) has done to help lessen the severity of the sickness, I'd love to see what h2o2 therapy could do next time. I realize it may be an ongoing type of thing, but I would love to try it out when I get sick to see how that helps when the sickness is already going.

Thanks for the link, I really appreciate that.
drinking green tea and lemon shoots through me like water and not from the water tap. Is this common?:firedevil: are taking an aspirin a day and you are still that low..?..Eek...:yoinks:

I'm wondering what you are medicating..I started the aspirin a couple of months ago when I realised metablic syndrome X..sticky blood..matched my family history.

I expected to see a slight PH lift from anyone starting to take them..

drinking green tea and lemon shoots through me like water and not from the water tap. Is this common?:firedevil:

That is when you know you have hit you Sweet spot..:thumbs:..once you do..and you add further makes you piss like a store horse..
That is the detox point...:booya:..Wooo Hoooo...Lucky You..

The More you alkalise grated carrot and salad as Medicine..and stuff to the point of sickness..:lol:..the More toxins you will expel.

If you are overweight you will See a weight drop..Water Weight...
that is the crap/toxins being expelled..:clap:

I can look after this one if suitable....

Brilliant thanks Duggy..P test for a week to get a Normal for you guide..then Test.
I'm using 1 x 500 mg per day....:thumbs:

IMO only..although the active ingredient in aspirin is described as an is having an alkalising effect on the body.

It is one of the first manufactured pain-killers..if it upped your PH a few points..upped the oxygen levels in your blood..thinned sticky blood and got your periferal circulation working..

It would reasonably explain the panacea med effect of asprin.

Could be wrong though...:D