PH Testing

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DubV..have you got actual/factual on the Peroxide theory..?

After seeing that peroxide carried 20 x more oxygen that water I added a bit to my girls water.

Gardeners measure..a squirt..

the girls were in the winter dormant situation..same as us now..and the turn around was Amazing..
they took off with massive vigour...

so I added another dose..and another...

Later it became apparent I had over dosed..when my Black Leafed plants bleached first to metalic silver..then snow white....:jaw:

so we Need to reinforce..strictly no overdosing policy..on the Peroxide thread.....:thumbs:

The other half has a hiatus hernia and had a massive acid problem..
snored like a bull rhinoserous and had to sleep propped up for acid reflux.

Aloe Vera every more more acid more
sleeping propped up...

On my.... This is me to a tee.. I also have an HH and have been on Pantoprozole for years... So fed up with prevention and not cure....
We have 3 aloe vera plants in the house, which we use for cuts and wounds, sunburn ect... Looks like we found a new use..... :D

Now i know it grows fast, but it takes 3 juicy leaves to get 25ml so they would soon be stripped bare... Found this do you think its ok Mossy????
The Master Eekman Reporting Ma'am,

6 am Ph test recorded @ 5.8

Aye aye sir,


(side note: cool lookin' silver plant though!)

A friend of mine did give me aloe vera juice in a bottle once for my upset stomach (related to meds prescribed) about ten years ago. If I remember correctly, the expiration date was really important? Anybody know about this? Even in the refridgerator, the shelf life is not very long if I remember correctly, been a long time so I am not completely sure.

Also, I would add (1/4cup/gal h2o {or 1/64 ratio}) of Hydrogen peroxide to my watering in the summer on my outside photo's. I had read that more oxygen could help them through the high heat temperatures here in the Sacramento valley of California. Sometimes heat up to 105f. They seemed to like it.

Ph 8 am @ 6.4

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DubV..have you got actual/factual on the Peroxide theory..?

After seeing that peroxide carried 20 x more oxygen that water I added a bit to my girls water.

Gardeners measure..a squirt..

the girls were in the winter dormant situation..same as us now..and the turn around was Amazing..
they took off with massive vigour...

so I added another dose..and another...

Later it became apparent I had over dosed..when my Black Leafed plants bleached first to metalic silver..then snow white....:jaw:

so we Need to reinforce..strictly no overdosing policy..on the Peroxide thread.....:thumbs:


Mossy there are quite a few studies that are just being released but take a look at this one for arthritis Peroxide Therapy.pdf. There are always cautions to trying these therapies but here are the guidelines. Always use 35% food grade h202. Always dilute to less than 10% in distilled water before taking. I rarely exceed 3-5% but in certain cancer cases there are recommendations to go to just under 10%. Wear gloves when handling unless you want a nasty burn. Just as a basic guideline I would start with 3 drops in 8 ounces of water 3x a day and move up a drop every 2-3 days. Do not exceed 15 drops and honestly I never go past 8 because it gives me so much energy its almost like being on amphetamines. Always take on an empty stomach or 3 hours after eating. Also be very careful when used on plants because yes you can always have too much of a good thing :thumbs:
Well..I have no PH back-up for this it could be put down to placebo effect..that is why we Need the PH back up..
we need to See And Feel results but..
this is one of the first 100% Pure Olive Leaf mix Tests...

thisll give you a smile...

Over at my parents yesterday... my dad heard me and my mom talking about the olive leaf capsules... and all the energy we had nd mom was saying she lost 5 lbs already...

and he wanted in....yes.... mr anti-homeopathic healing.... wanted to try it! :crying:

and he noticed results in HOURS!!!!!!!

fantastic mossy!!!!!

Fingers Crossed huh....:smokebuds:..Big karma Cloud..
My second mother has been diagnosed terminal so to say. .....shes fighting tooth and nail and SWAMP finally got her some medi kes said SCREW IT she had never broken a law or did anything out of the ordinary soccer mom lifestyle ..
I'll send her a Massive Healing karma Cloud a fast recovery.

Since Aunty Stsrted this thread the first time I relayed some info and tips and glad to see this going again ...

We will get all the Old info back again..:thumbs:..lots of people were following those two PH threads.

Green is Alkalising..the greener..the more alkalising..:thumbs:

We put her on this as well and in her last chemo treatments she was damn near rid of it ....she double dosed almost every day and she flew through the roof ...she had KNEE problems sever vein issues and clots and she feels like a young girl again ...she can function very well ...

Low oxygen in out blood make us heal more risk for complications when injured or operated on..expecially in the low winter conditions.
seeing the vein and clots..has she checked out the metabolic syndromeX threads..
(family history of blood clot/strkes..gall stones..low circulation..plaque build up in the arteries..?..)
These weren't the exact cure but we measured her ph did some food changes more RAW and switch her from coffe at 10 cups a day to 3 and more teas ...
The Raw foods is Fast thing you could have done for her..:thumbs:

Gotta say thanks the Aunty for this months ago

What is her PH now..?
And Dub if ya don't mind get the thread ASAP LOL. ...
I also follow BLOOD TYPE DIETS
AND I'm sure we could fit some recipes together ...
I eat almost vegetarian but I gotta have my chicken and fish....80% raw tho ..

It Fits in..the Origin of the faulty genetic has various theories built around it.
One is that it belongs to a certain blood that fits in..

Another is that it comes back to Hunter gatherer genetics..the Paleo theory..

Another that it Links back to a small place on the Spain/France border and is linked to the Ginger gene from the Celts..
so we will be exploring a few things like that.

Cheers Bro..go for it.

Threads can be moved if need to hold up the work...:thumbs:
Besides the headache that I am having at the moment, I was in such a great mood, I still have aches in certain joints today, but I feel good today. My Ph read 7.1 about 10 minutes ago. Didn't believe it, so I calibrated up again to make sure, and damn if it didn't read 7.1 again. Took an ibuprofen for the headache 30 minutes ago. Everyone have a great new years:thumbup:
Just tested... 7.4 again. Just getting out of the sickness, but have one helluva cough. Here's hoping it gets gone in a week.
I am going to put this here for now because it wont let me start a new thread for some reason :shrug: Anyway I highly recommend all of the supplements from this company. Can be easily had on amazon and are a little pricey but raw vitamins have higher uptake percentages. Which means you feel better quicker :thumbs: Also have another entire line of protein, enzymes, and organic meal replacement