New Grower PatRatts First Grow Journal

Wednesday, August 24th 2022

15 days old today.

Growing like crazy now. New growth all over despite the viscous dog attack earlier this week.


Saturday, August 27th, 2022

Noticed some hints of green in the soil. I found algae in my water sprayer bottle. Didn't notice until I already sprayed down the top. So I placed a cut out paper plate over the top to block out the light from getting to the soil. Hopefully that helps.


Noticed some hints of green in the soil. I found algae in my water sprayer bottle. Didn't notice until I already sprayed down the top. So I placed a cut out paper plate over the top to block out the light from getting to the soil. Hopefully that helps.
Green algae on the surface of soil or coco doesn't seem to bother the girls. I've been ignoring it. My gallon jugs and 15-gallon reservoir where I mix my water/nutes grow a red algae, which doesn't seem to bother them either. The green algae requires light to grow I think, so as long as your skirt is opaque that should stop growing. I used to live on boats, and our fresh water tanks grew red algae sometimes, and we still used it for cooking and drinking, and most of us survived to grow old.
[Mine develop"PatRatt, post: 2650223, member: 66915"]
Thanks man! I don't like how she is leaning though. I may have to tie her back or something.
A lot of mine have developed a lean that lasted all the way to harvest. I think it's because my lights were stronger on one side. I've tried tilting the pot to make the stem straight, but in the long run it doesn't really matter. The colas are gonna grow toward the light no matter what. If they get too tall and top-heavy you might need to support them with string or yoyos or something like this:


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