yeah the competition that i signed up for (i think the one you started nc420) was pretty organized having the contestants and rules on the first page. now that everything got merged everything is out of whack. it was a good idea to merge no doubt to save space and all but i think they could have been put them together a little better than this. looks like whoever put them together just searched for all the party cup threads and mashed them together. probly should have done two threads. one stricltly for competition and one for everything else. im not worried about prizes or anything, was really just playing for bragging rights and comparisons to where i could be. the original thread was really awesome but this completely ruined it. im gonna still grow my party cups as an experiment but i wont be participating in such an unorganized thread. if a more organized competition like the original 16oz one is started again i would love to be apart of it **please send me a pm if that happens**. but until that happens i am out. sorry guys good luck with your grows.