Outdoor Grow Battle 2017 Photoperiod Dry Bud Voting Thread

AND this is the end my friends!! Voting closed and winner announcement below!!

And the winner placement list
1st place 912GreenSkell 48+46 = 94
2nd place @Waira 45+46 = 91
3rd place @GringoStarr 12+11 = 23
4th @Vlad The Inhaler 4+13 = 17
5th @Maria Sanchez 5+6 = 11

I want to personally thank the four of you for sticking in the contest and making it through to the end!! It was a tough season for most of us and the amount of completed entries reflect that!! Hats off to you guys. The end vote was an absolute nail biter of a finish with waira and myself going toe to toe in votes....with only two days left for voting we were dead nuts tied! Great battle waira!

As I did in the autoflower half of the contest I am forfeiting my prize as I don't need any more seed right now, so that means that waira will get the top prize, gringo will get second place prize and vlad will get third. I will get a hold of the winners with prize info as soon as I find out what the prizes are. Can i please ask @Rebel to issue us some "Photoperiod Outdoor Winner" gold(912), silver(waira) and bronze(gringostarr). Thanks rebel!

Been a pleasure growing beside everyone!!
P.S. - Ahh the coveted gold medal!! Only @trailanimal and I own this shiny little trinket!! Hold the glory until next season!! :D :D :D