Outdoor Grow Battle 2017 Photoperiod Dry Bud Voting Thread

I would like to have a spot where i could start the outdoor plants on Jan the 1st instead of my usual April the 1st........can you guys imagine, planted in 12'X12' holes!! I can!! :D

Wow! Except any place (in the northern hemisphere) where you start on January 1, is probably going to be tropical warm, and so they'll start flowering, and you'll harvest about... i dunno... about April some time, haha!!!!

Just kiddin', know what you mean. Like start them indoors and veg for three months until they're 2m tall, then through them outside in ... late April to veg for another three or so months... hehe...
How deep do you dig the 12x12 holes? My back hurts thinking about it. ..


That's how...
I'll be giving don Skelly's big hole technique a go this time around, got a 4'x8'x1' raised bed heavily composted and set fallow last season. Should be ready to rock!


You'd love the urban garden I'm planning on using.
Found a nice big open patch, only partly worked this winter.
So, will plant around the edges.
Here's hoping they'll be safe!
So, the idea is great width, but not so much depth.
Because most root activity takes place close to surface, closer to oxygen?
Because it's all happening at the surface, microbial activity transforming organic matter into plant food, at the end of the season my pots have a thick mat of fine roots that have colonized the zone of transformation beneath the compost mulch. Don Skelly's experience shows us how canna plants will exploit a large fertile transformation zone, increasing size and yield. I'm attempting to do what he does!, good luck to me, hehe.