Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

GAwd what a shit last couple of day I have been having ladies and gentlemen...power bomb migrane headache yesterday. And was so friggin distracted I must have mixed my damn ferts wrong...the Colorado Cookie is looking really bad...shit...piss me off!! The Sunrise and Daiquiri are looking good and stuty is doing okay. The new Autoultimate is doing pretty well, but unfortunately this part of the grow isn't going very well for me anymore. :(

So today I had a tray of young seedlings in their afternoon spot and a darned chicken flew up and knocked the whole tray off, killing 12 plants(4 strains). So no Guerilla Gold#2, Durrty Dragons, Mandarin Dragons or Frost Dragon X White domina to try...damn. There was a lone MOBXC99 in the tray as well, but looking at it an hour ago I hope whe will be okay. Only have the one seed
GAwd what a shit last couple of day I have been having ladies and gentlemen...power bomb migrane headache yesterday. And was so friggin distracted I must have mixed my damn ferts wrong...the Colorado Cookie is looking really bad...shit...piss me off!! The Sunrise and Daiquiri are looking good and stuty is doing okay. The new Autoultimate is doing pretty well, but unfortunately this part of the grow isn't going very well for me anymore. :(

So today I had a tray of young seedlings in their afternoon spot and a darned chicken flew up and knocked the whole tray off, killing 12 plants(4 strains). So no Guerilla Gold#2, Durrty Dragons, Mandarin Dragons or Frost Dragon X White domina to try...damn. There was a lone MOBXC99 in the tray as well, but looking at it an hour ago I hope whe will be okay. Only have the one seed
Aw bro that's shit kill that chicken and have a nice hunters chicken dinner
Strangely enough the Colorado cookies was looking crazy bad yesterday....but today she is looking perky?? Leaves were slouching heavy last night, but today they are much more flat...there is some hope after all!!
Day 24 - Daiquiri and sunrise are doing pretty good I think! The cookies and her issue is what it is, and Stunty the autoulimate as well. The new Autoultimate is growing great and looking perfect so far, hope I can keep up the rhythm!

Daiquiri- preflower at day 20

Sunrise-preflower at day 23

Colorado Cookies

Autoultimate aka Stunty

Autoultimate day 14
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Day 24 - Daiquiri and sunrise are doing pretty good I think! The cookies and her issue is what it is, and Stunty the autoulimate as well. The new Autoultimate is growing great and looking perfect so far, hope I can keep up the rhythm!

Daiquiri- preflower at day 20
View attachment 574323

Sunrise-preflower at day 23
View attachment 574324

Colorado Cookies
View attachment 574325

Autoultimate aka Stunty
View attachment 574328

Autoultimate day 14
View attachment 574329
Ha ha stunty lol there all looking great bro the lime and Sunrise are very similar in shape I think
SO I am at a crossroads...the daiquiri and the sunrise were virtually identical in size and shape, but since the last pics the sunrise has skyrocketed in size and almost doesn't fit in the cab(though I could drop her down 4 more inches if I wanted to). I want to grow these girls naturally with minimal LST this round, since I want them to take up minimal space, as the photos will grow into their space before long, hopefully in perfect timing for the harvest of the autos. ;)
So the crossroads...yeah the weather is supposed to be really nice for the next week+...do I put them in the garden now, or wait? There could still be some chilly weather ahead of us.....hmmmm...what do you guys think? I am leaning towards a planting tomorrow.
GAwd what a shit last couple of day I have been having ladies and gentlemen...power bomb migrane headache yesterday. And was so friggin distracted I must have mixed my damn ferts wrong...the Colorado Cookie is looking really bad...shit...piss me off!! The Sunrise and Daiquiri are looking good and stuty is doing okay. The new Autoultimate is doing pretty well, but unfortunately this part of the grow isn't going very well for me anymore. :(

So today I had a tray of young seedlings in their afternoon spot and a darned chicken flew up and knocked the whole tray off, killing 12 plants(4 strains). So no Guerilla Gold#2, Durrty Dragons, Mandarin Dragons or Frost Dragon X White domina to try...damn. There was a lone MOBXC99 in the tray as well, but looking at it an hour ago I hope whe will be okay. Only have the one seed
Cuts that bastards head off hahaha