Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Oh I get you 100g's with only 7hours light is awesome.

Yeah it was almost insane how well that plant grew(Barneys Farm Auto Blue Mammoth) By the end she had a trained 51" main stalk. Full grow smoke report with pics in the review section if you want to see her. Pretty funny they list it as a 15-20 gram yield...lol
Yeah it was almost insane how well that plant grew(Barneys Farm Auto Blue Mammoth) By the end she had a trained 51" main stalk. Full grow smoke report with pics in the review section if you want to see her. Pretty funny they list it as a 15-20 gram yield...lol
I will have to check that out bro, sounds interesting
So.....FINALLY we have a split shell on the second DP Auto Ultimate this morning!! Goodness...AU don't like me much so far!! Anyways she is planted, except I could not fit another big pot in the cab so I custom cut a 6" diameterX10"deep pot with large slot holes in the side to be planted directly in the ground on the first of june. Hopefully it wont restrict root growth too much for the next 3 weeks. To keep the dirt fro falling out I simply used another pot of the same type as a sleeve until plating day. I think its going to works quite well actually!! The other Auto ultimate is actually doing okay though she is much smaller than the other 3 autos of the same age. I am keeping it growing for the test garden.

Day 9 - I started the autos feed today with 1ml per liter of Sensi Grow A+B. Also gave them a couple of hours of sun time today. 1 hour direct followed by edge of hard shade for 1.5 hours(so keep moving them just on the sunny line until the sun passes and they go into shade...repeat). Nice easy stress free sun exposure for the little ones.
Dirt has been turned over for all autos.

@Tetra9 - Last tag buddy, promise. ;)
Day 10 - I figure I should finally get a pic of the lil' ones, at least as a group pic! Up until now it was just words on a page!


Top row : Brooklyn, Daiquiri
Bottom row : Auto Ultimate, Colorado Cookies
The 5 little ones have stayed in the cabinet for the last 3 days...The weather man was calling for 7 and 8 degrees this weekend and he was wrong! Yesterday it was a blistering high of 4 degrees and we got a good blast of snow around noon! The second DP autoultimate has broken the soil's surface and she is growing great so far!
Hey man nice to see you my friend and get some peace hope everythings well with you as much as it can be peace goohfy

Hey...super happy you could make it over here! Are you planning on running a journal for your outdoor girls here? If so please tag me! Thanks kindly for your comment, and good luck on your grow man! Make sure you check out potpro as well. That is where all of the photos are hosted, including a bunch of grow battles on various DP strains(battle threads for the Blueberry, Frisian Duck and the Passion #1). Will be some awesome grows over there! I've been keeping my auto grows over here and the photos over there.
Thanks tony! Yeah this is pretty typical spring weather...can be a touch nerve wracking at times....lol. Beautiful during the day(17 degrees sunny today..yippee!) but temps drop like a stone at night(calling for frost for the 7th night in a row tonight).

Here we go!! Day 16 - the bunch of autos are doing just fine...is it ironic that Daiquiri Lime is lime in colour or am I missing something? She is growing just as fast as the rest of the group!

Top row: Daiquiri, Colorado
Center row: Auto ultimate at day 9
Bottom Row: Broolyn, Auto Ultimate(stunty)

So stunty...not sure whats going on with here...got some funky shit going on with her...whatever, I really don't care..."welcome to the torture chamber baby. Hold on for another two weeks and you will be in the ground." That's the best I can do for her! :D (the new AU I started is looking perfect so far)