Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Thanks for the comments guys!! Initially when the bright green tips started way back when, I was thinking it was a problem...but then I remembered some other plants from my past that did the ultra bright new growth. Been a while since I had seen it.....too long!! Cant wait to see what she will do in flower! Lots of sunrise grows and cookies grows to compare but not many Daiquir's out there!
And "Stunty" the autoultimate that broke the soils surface with a yellowed cotyledon. She is planted in the test garden(7 hours of sun) and growing quite well! Day 28
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I'm just about to start a one plant ( Barney's blue cheese guerilla grow the seeds germinated so in the soil for two weeks then outside she goes iv taken alk the measures I can to give her the best life outside as possible
I'm just about to start a one plant ( Barney's blue cheese guerilla grow the seeds germinated so in the soil for two weeks then outside she goes iv taken alk the measures I can to give her the best life outside as possible

OH nice!! I hope she grows like the barneys farm auto blue mammoth I grew out last year!! 51" long main stalk...lol
OH nice!! I hope she grows like the barneys farm auto blue mammoth I grew out last year!! 51" long main stalk...lol
I really hope so after what you said about my first ever grow on here about the strain looking good for outdoor because it looked good for mold resistance ect it made me chose this strain
Day 35 - The Daiquiri, Sunrise and the Cookies are growing great and starting to popcorn out now! I think most of the stretch is finish on the sunrise. Looks like she will be just under 3 feet tall. The daiquiri has caught up in size, and seems to be still growing a bit more! Cookies is obviously shorter(indica) and I believe she is still stretching up as well. I left a 1liter bottle of big bud in the pics for scale. Odours are as follows..nothing on the AU or the Daiquiri yet. unrise has a sweet skunky odour so far, and saving the best for last the Cookies has a chocolate type odour!! Yahoo!!!! I was blown away when I read anothers review and he described the smell of the cookies as chocolate lime, so to get a whiff of chocolate is truly awesome!!

Colorado Cookies Day 35:

Brooklyn Sunrise day 35

Daiquiri Lime Day 35

Auto Ultimate Day 25

Hope everyone is doing great!! Thanks for all of the comments and rep/like bombs!
I do have a setback currently happening for the autos, which sucks as they are in the prime of their stretch...do you guys ever remember me saying that in early june at some point we have a shit stretch of weather like clockwork? Well its here...today it is a high if 8 degrees celcius, and dropping to 4 degrees tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same....grrrrr...here goes the perfect season down the drain. :(
Ahh no worries...the weed from the autos isn't "needed" to fill my jars for the winter fortunately, so I will be okay. ;)