Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Haha that's right bailey...really though, I have never been at ease harvesting as I have harvesting the autos I just finished. Mid summer harvest, no thieves or prying eyes to worry about...excellent. Nice easy relaxing harvest for outdoor is the best! :D

OKay fellas...stuff is getting serious over here. It took her whole life but the "New" Autoultimate in the full sun garden has greatly earned herself a new nickname. I present to you Autoultimis Maximus at day 74
Eagle Eye View(this guy is crazy...there's no bud on that plant right?):

Right Side:

Left Side:

Main Cola...look at the bud on them secondary branches woohoo!! If this main cola gets much bigger round, it will rival the fattest top I have ever grown. She is almost the diameter of a 2 liter pop bottle:

One of the lowest buds up close...looks like wave 1 flower is almost done on Maximus

And Stunty over in the test garden at day 84. I was actually completely stunned yesterday, when I realized that Stunty only gets 3-4 hours of direct sun on half of the lower branches, since the fruity chronic juice is almost 5 feet tall and on the western side of the Au, so she totally shades out the lower branches after 3pm. But yet somehow she continues to pour on nice buds, even on the shaded out branches. Damn stunty would have been an absolute monster of epic proportions, if she lived her life in the full sun garden. Even grown in the limited light of 7 hours or less(i really need to time the direct light and get an accurate count, as i feel its even less than 7), i'll be stunned if there is less than 100 grams dry on her.

Pic taken at 2pm(sun starts at noon), and already the shade from the FJC has crept over the left branches:

Slugs eye View...fjc in the back ground left makes the 43" tall stunty look like a tiny girl!

All bud down to top of hand, but kind of loose bud on the main cola.

Lowest bud tip...still a ways to go before this plant is done!! Astonishing
@A-Train hey man....do you have some input when a good time to start the overdrive would be based on the pics? Stunty maybe 2 more weeks on big bud? And maximus a week?
Ive read about the autoultimate have multiple waves of flower a second even third.
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Looking good man, your maximus looks prime bro, congratulations. I've already promised a nomination for August BOM, but I'm sure someone here will do the proper thing and put her in the August comp next week when it opens, it's definitely got the girth of a champion
I watch my buds. They start early flower I hit them with 1ml/L big bud..... indoor girls lol..... when the start to progress quickly I go to big I'd 2ml/L and the speed up more. When I see the buds start to slow down on the swelling that's when I go in with 2ml/L overdrive and drop big bud.

Hope that makes sense
I watch my buds. They start early flower I hit them with 1ml/L big bud..... indoor girls lol..... when the start to progress quickly I go to big I'd 2ml/L and the speed up more. When I see the buds start to slow down on the swelling that's when I go in with 2ml/L overdrive and drop big bud.

Hope that makes sense

Yep makes sense. I'll really start to pay attention, and hopefully hit a perfect transition to overdrive from Big Bud. Thanks man
All hail GreenSkellius and his servant AutoUltimus Maximus. The team are filling the vapes in admiration on this grow. Incredible outdoor results, great growing skills

Hahahaha love it man...thanks! I feel more like I am the servant to ultimis though! :D All hail the queen! :D
Seriously though tony...absolutely fantastic genetics in the Au, all around I am way more than a little impressed. I have to say that the inherent mold resistance that comes with such a thick budded monster in the AU is a huge benefit for outdoor growers. I certainly feel that next year we will certainly see a few of these growing in outdoor journals!!
Seriously A-1 auto genetics man. In fact, I had better go and hit you up with max rep for such fine plants.