Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Yeah, I hear you. I can't bring myself to plant them in the ground , want to be able to run them to cover if need be. Lol. Of course, I'm kind of a control freak that way. :haha:

Speaking of control, you get any caterpillar over there? What do you use to combat them?
Yeah, I hear you. I can't bring myself to plant them in the ground , want to be able to run them to cover if need be. Lol. Of course, I'm kind of a control freak that way. :haha:

Speaking of control, you get any caterpillar over there? What do you use to combat them?

Yeah sometimes it would be sweet to have them in pots! No caterpillar problems in my area. My insect problems are Leafhoppers, Slugs and very occasionally White Flies. The plants outgrow the damage the insects do, so I don't worry about them.(currently the Fruity Chronic Juice and the Frisian dew are being attacked by hoppers)

Mold sucks I hope for you that it gets better.

There is a couple of things I could have done differently...I could have bought some silica and that theoretically would have helped, and I could have also built a vapour barrier tent overhead, which I should have done at the first sign of mold. So far I have lost only a couple of grams and get to test some early smoke(7grams or so), so its not all a loss. If the test smoke is awesome, who knows I might start flushing. Test smoke tomorrow. Better to see what is gained, rather than what is lost.
Cool man, the outdoors always comes with challenges. I like your attitude -- focus on all the good there, there's plenty of success to reflect on.

Keep it green bro, looking forward to your feedback on all the smokey treats at the end...
Cool man, the outdoors always comes with challenges. I like your attitude -- focus on all the good there, there's plenty of success to reflect on.

Keep it green bro, looking forward to your feedback on all the smokey treats at the end...

Yeah exactly...4 of 5 autos are doing awesome with zero mold. Can't let one moldski drag down spirits, especially cause I know there is going to be a nice amount of bud coming off her even with having to chuck some moldy stuff out.
Yeah exactly...4 of 5 autos are doing awesome with zero mold. Can't let one moldski drag down spirits, especially cause I know there is going to be a nice amount of bud coming off her even with having to chuck some moldy stuff out.
I live with a positive attitude about everything in life I always look for a good even in a bad I like ure attitude bro
Couple of more moldy spots on the Daiquiri today...she isn't liking 70% humidity!! Flushing commenced! Cut and trimmed the Colorado Cookies today. Forgot the camera...pics tomorrow. Exceptional looking weed!
3rd flush on the Brooklyn Sunrise today...timing is going absolutely perfect on the sunrise. I can already guarantee this....I am growing the Sunrise again next season.

A little salvaged bud dried from the Daiquiri....pretty damn nice looking outdoor for sure!! I smoked a joint today, and though its full of ferts, it was pleasant and packed a hell of a punch.
I finally found this thread and your almost done with it. I can't wait for your smoke report on the Auto Brooklyn Sunrise.
I finally found this thread and your almost done with it. I can't wait for your smoke report on the Auto Brooklyn Sunrise.

I made a bit of an error today...I thought I was already done my final flush on the Sunrise, and was planning on pulling her tomorrow, but we got some rain today so before it started I said screw it, and I chopped her. Smells and looks incredible!!

Colorado Cookies Chopped yesterday at day 72- not a ton of bud, but wow does it look sweet!!


And the final shots of the Brooklyn Sunrise on chopping day 73

Eagle Eye view Sunrise

A lovely finish!!

The no transplant pots, planting Botanicare herculese airpots directly in the ground worked excellent...highly recommended!

Trimmed and stacked...excellent!!

Trimmed lower bud close up.