Dutch Passion Outdoor DP auto grow Brooklyn, Ultimate, Colorado and Daiquiri

Very nice bro I can't wait to see them again in a month time I'm so jealous of the weather there I have poxy UK summer lol
I am a touch worried...got a shot of needed rain today...yeah like about 5 inches of rain in an hour...great for the photos, not so great for the autos in full flower!! Supposed to rain off and on all night tonight. Daiquiri has me the most worried, since a moldy spot already reared its ugly head.
I know what you mean...got the girls hiding out in the shed since yesterday afternoon. Feels like a fall day, rain and cold
Day 70

Start with the closest to finished!! I flushed out the Colorado Cookies today for the 4th time and last time throwing her 4 gallons/16 liters of water. In two days she is chopped. Frigging sweet looking and smelling herb that's for sure!!

Cookies Closeup

Brooklyn Sunrise- I gave the sunrise the second flush today hitting the same water amount as above. I should note that our soil contains a lot of sand, and drains rapid. I can pour a water can(8 liters/2 gallons) and it will soak in with in a minute at most. My goodness...the Sunrise is my favorite plant of the season...absolutely beautiful pot. Great leaf to bud ratio, great density. 5 star strain we have here(and if you have checked out many of my strain reviews, 5 star ratings don't really exist!!)

Ooo cannot wait!! I might end up flushing one additional round on this plant depending on what she looks like in another 4 days.

Daiquiri Lime- Damn...having problems her. :( Not entirely sure I advise this plant for outdoor growth unfortunately. We have only had 2 real hard rains in weeks, and I had to pull a nice bud that had some mold in it. Well I noticed another spot today, then with further inspection another 2 spots. Starting to wonder if I should start flushing her unfinished. We are in the heat of summer now and humidity is up(60% today).

Damn she has some nice friggin' bud on her though!!


And the problem...inner core mold...the worst kind!

And the new Autoultimate at Day 60. Doing very well...starting to put on some real bud now...still a long ways from being finished!

And flipping over to the test garden(7 hours of sun) we have Stunty at Day 70. Now obviously she is not going to fill in like the plants in 15 hours of sun, but she is filling in pretty well!! Not a whole lot of smell, but crystal is coming!! The fruit cronic juice on the left as you can see is starting to really overgrow the ultimate now. Her frame is 5feet X3.5 wide by 40" tall. Once the AU is finished I will train her to take over the whole area.

Damn...I really need to figure out how to rotate vertical pics...anyone?

Closeup of a lower branch

Thanks for stopping by!
Man, that's a bummer on the daq lime, she filled out so nicely for you. Hopefully you can salvage some of those colas. Is a beautiful full plant. Good gardening as always man. Max rep incoming....
Man, that's a bummer on the daq lime, she filled out so nicely for you. Hopefully you can salvage some of those colas. Is a beautiful full plant. Good gardening as always man. Max rep incoming....

Thanks for the rep mediscrogs! Oh sure there is some bud on her unaffected. Just a bit nervous to leave her to finish. I might have to put up a vapour barrier tent....ahhhh the outdoor life ;)