Okay, let's finally get this show on the road. First entry is a Mt Hood Magic Durban (Durban poison x NL#5) bagseed.
30 days, 45 gallons amended TLO, Pallet, Roof. This girl is super healthy and just has that shine, I have a good feeling.
View attachment 916225

Next up is entry two, a Blueberry Kush (Dj short's Blueberry x OG Kush) bagseed. This one is EXTREMELY single stock dominate with almost no side branching. Big fat dark indica fan leaves, and a main stem as thick around as a quarter. All of this in a three gallon pot, whoops! BK doesn't do well outdoors, especially in wet environments like the rainforest I live in, so She's going to take a trip out to central Oregon and spend her days in the dry sunny air of the high plains desert. Not sure on how often updates will come, playing this one loose.
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That's all for now, I'm still trying to figure out an auto I want to put outside. May have to send away/trade for mephisto genetics.
good looking plants! grobro
Greenhouse update!

My Blue Dragons are doing well, growing nicely now. I've pulled three males though........ May start a second crop now and fill in the blank spaces'. Removed the plastic mulch had to add a couple more driplines. They will get another feeding of Megacrop today.
The CBD Haze and the Black Dragon are growing like crazy! They are in my organic soil mix and loving it. The Black Dragon pic is of the largest Black Dragon I've ever seen! Even in a 3 gallon pots there are rarely more than a 10-12" budsicle! Can't wait to see how this one turns out!

View attachment 916608 View attachment 916609 View attachment 916610
man, that top pic really puts a smile on me


Looks like it’s been dinner time up the hill. [emoji26]
can't even punch "like", guess you need to hunt out the area before you plant, these pics give me a queezy gut
*Official entry pics*

@912GreenSkell here's my 3 Auto entries sir.

2 broke surface on 16/5 and one on 17/5 but for ease of recording their age I'm gonna say they all popped up on the 16th May so they are all at 26 days.

I'm entering:

Barneys Farm Pineapple Express Auto....

Dutch Passion Auto Compassion Lime....

Stitches Love Potion....

Cheers Swan

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worthy entries indeed!
Entry updates guys;
Photos days 35ish. Getting a bit lanky, I'll be potting them up in next couple of days.View attachment 917104 blackberry ogView attachment 917105 cookies kushView attachment 917106 lemon og

And the autos day 17ish;
They've been a little slow and twisted looking but im not worried as of yet if the other autos are anything to go by. They started out similar and have since exploded
View attachment 917107 s.o.d.kView attachment 917108colorado cookies View attachment 917109night queen
all looking vig!
:cuss: :amazon: :cuss: Gaaaaahhhh!! @Vlad The Inhaler ...mate, that really kills me! -- goddamn f*ckin' tick-speckled shit-brained hooved rats!!:deadhorse: I despise deer,...:finger:

...weeellll, at least your topping is done! :rofl:.... those assholes like to run a regular route, and now, you're on it... I don't know what's available to you over there, but maybe you have some deer repellent sprays, along with these other good suggestions,... my gardener buddy uses this stuff that's just god-awful smelling, like rotten eggs and dead feet! :thumbsup::chef::rofl:..... rooting for good recovery Ju-Ju mate.. :pighug: :goodluck:

>>> Don Skelly! :coffee: The Ladiezz are looking damn good as usual, despite the weather--again! The 11 Roses is making some meaty paws already.... GP and BB are working right from the script man, two more :vibe::vibe: in the making! I very curious to see what size 11R builds up to,...:eyebrows:
...meantime, I have C+2.0, MoB, and 11R all above soil today! :woohoo:.... having some prob's with the Sex Bud though, one seed misfire (cracked, no shooting), a second looking similarly iffy, so I dropped a C99 too,... the MoB/OGK x C99a is cranking and stinky already! ..not sure if she'll be there, or maybe at a friends... her sister has been adopted already,... Recall, I thought these were auto's :face:, but they're F1's! So in the interest of "science", I must keep her too see how she turns out... I don't like the redundancy, but in a way it'll still be interesting to compare her with the straight MoB and C99/Sex Bud (a reworked C99),....
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