Oh no!! Man....i can imagine wild hogs be the TOUGHEST critter to stop from eating the plants if they want them!! Even our domestic pigs can dig like crazy. Back in the day the farmers would poke a small hole at several points of a root base of a stump they wanted removed, and fill the small holes with dried corn, and the pigs would literally the dig the tree trunk out for the farmer.

Sorry to hear it was a short show for you bud.
Man that's crazy, I got videos of turkeys on back side of my woods literally picking ever bud from the plants and smashing them in to the dirt and getting all kinds of pissy about it. The deer just eat a few then go sleep in the hay field after then gorge on alfalfa after the nap.
Man that's crazy, I got videos of turkeys on back side of my woods literally picking ever bud from the plants and smashing them in to the dirt and getting all kinds of pissy about it. The deer just eat a few then go sleep in the hay field after then gorge on alfalfa after the nap.

Brutal!! Man those turkeys would piss you off!! Hey if the deer would just eat a bud and then go trip off somewhere i would have no problem with them at all. :D
Entry updates guys;
Photos days 35ish. Getting a bit lanky, I'll be potting them up in next couple of days.View attachment 917104 blackberry ogView attachment 917105 cookies kushView attachment 917106 lemon og

And the autos day 17ish;
They've been a little slow and twisted looking but im not worried as of yet if the other autos are anything to go by. They started out similar and have since exploded
View attachment 917107 s.o.d.kView attachment 917108colorado cookies View attachment 917109night queen

Nice work, looking good so far!!

This will be the final pictures of my first Official entry auto monster mass day 63,View attachment 917230 View attachment 917231

Hopefully this is not too late...if possible try to get a main cola shot at harvest. You are allowed to defoliate the fan leaves for the main cola or bud shot. That pic in addition to a dry bud pic will determine the victor once all entries are in. In an effort to eliminate "size wins" i decided to make the single bud for final pic rule, and focus on the best quality for a win.
I go for 2 week up dates(approx, hehe)
the thrilling 3......
Citrus Noir, now named Electra........
Bertha Bubba Trouble......
Little Sister Bubba Trouble
OHHH I LOVE Green Poison! Great strain! I've only grown the auto though

Did the photo green poison last summer....awesome toke...had some mold problems, but pulled a large harvest even with a whack of mold scrapping. Decided to try again this year, and even attempt a double down!! Running the green poison fast, and also the standard green poison(started 3 weeks later than the fast)

spotted a little error in the names of my entries in this list.
not that it matters too much, since they're my own crosses anyway so no one can use it as a review, but the correct names:

photo: A4 s1, WS07xA6 (not A4, a4 and a6 were sisters though).
later one A4s1x(WS07xA6) will join too, but those are still small, a week old maybe, haven't posted any pics of those yet.

the auto(WTR) is correct. but the placing of the WS07xA6 makes it look like it's an auto-entry, but to be clear, it's a photo.

Gotcha, fixed!

Do it. I'll never turn back after getting my own.

Ive consider it for many years...I shoot a recurve bow and do some small game hunting with it, but never got into the large game...i really should!! Maybe now with the auto trimmer i will be able to find the time in the fall to hunt and fish more.

Damn skelly, the Eleven Roses is taking off! They all look great but it seems to be very happy in the garden

Yeah bud!! 11 roses is proving itself so far!! Out of that batch the only one to grow a bit faster is the Green Poison, which is a slight bit larger than the 11 roses. Getting hard to compare the sizes of the other plants(Dinafem Critical +, Sweet Crystal candy) of that same age though due to limited sun location differences.
Ahh the white ones....we have brown green and rainbow leafhoppers, not the whit ones....they are bastards to catch!! Smart enough to hide behind the branch when you try to catch them. A cupped hand on the other side first and they make them "hop/fly" and you got them!!
The biggest auto is officially 4 ft tall.
View attachment 915684
I knew these girls where going to be trouble:worship:
I have a hard time commenting on skellys, can't usually say more than WOW :headbang:
Ok, I think I've got them sorted... but looking for a consensus...

Entering the strawberry nuggets girl outdoor... here's pictures of the 2 little ones outdoorView attachment 915874 View attachment 915875I think [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is the SN... here's picks of my indoor ladies for reference...4 X SNView attachment 915876 View attachment 915878 View attachment 915880 View attachment 915881
Pics of the other 2 outside... both sour livers 3 bears X...

And the big sour livers hogging the tent right now...View attachment 915882 View attachment 915883 View attachment 915884
Had another member contact me...

Big thank you (you know who U R) should be back up and into the photo battle shortly...(edit... due to the generosity of members, am planning on getting an extra photo or two in, all product will be donated to the Weed for Warriors project....god bless those who stand ready...) https://www.wfwproject.org

Am thinking airsoft claymores ringing my garden...
cool grow!
from a warm heart!