time for my next update. unfortunatly it's a bit cloudy/rainy, so not the best weather for pics.
the A4 s1. she's looking a bit rough, something has been munching around on multiple of my plants. also the soilmix might not have been perfect, my guess is I used a bit too much lime(never used it before), but she's not dying and it's getting better over time, so it'll probably sort itself out.
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and the wtr is continueeing to flower, think she has almost used up the chickenshit mixed into the soil.
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and finally, not a contest pic, these are some of those seedlings from earlier. still have to decide which I'm going to keep at home and enter into the comp(rest will go guerilla), I think it's going to be the one in the middle row 1 from the left. and my third entry is probably going to be from a few seedlings that just germinated a few days ago.
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also, another non-contest pic, this is also A4 s1 but a sister of the one I entered in the contest. both are getting nice big leaves, and nice webbing.
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