thanks. for the photo-part I'm good either way, just that one plant in my earlier post would be too old, but I'm still going to start more photo's(can keep 5 at home).
only for the auto-part it would be a problem, since I'll probably only keep one auto not on guerilla, since autos yield less it's a bit of a waste of my plantcount at home. just keeping this one for some controlled pollinations, and to see how it'll grow etc, since I've never grown the strain before(and it's my first time growing an auto too).
but for guerilla plantcounts don't matter anyway(but kind of curious how autos will do, my experience last year was that the plants I had on guerilla were much smaller and yielded way less as a sister at home, so I'm curious if autos will get to a decent size with the stresses of guerilla)
most of my plants will be with the ducksfootleaves btw, all my own crosses are webbed leaf. started off because I just thought the leaves were cool, and a bit more stealth in veg, and it's a really easy trait to select for(it's already visible at the 2nd set of true leaves). but since last year I've also noticed another benefit: it lets me track foreign pollen contamination. since it's recessive, all seeds from a webbed mother and webbed father must be webbed, so if seeds coming from a webbed mother are not webbed, I know they must've had another father, and I know there was someone around me who grew a male. and it immediatly lets me filter out the contamination too, by just killing the non-webbed.
so if no one objects, this would be my entry for the auto-part of the contest, it's a wild thailand ryder:
View attachment 901397
for that wild thailand ryder, I also have this picture from about a month ago, but this is the only earlier picture I have:
View attachment 901399