it's been a while sine my last update, no idea how long, but haven't had a reminder yet, so I guess I'm on time for a new update.

first the A4 s1. you can see a bit the effects of one of my failed experiments this year: I tried planting straight into the biggest pot at the start, but the results is it's now in need of more nutrients, justy bought some bloom nutrients(which I never used before, other years I transplanted later so I got trough on the nutes in my soil mix), since I spotted some spots which I think is K-defficiency. you can also see spidermitespots, but they're completely under control, I have some predatory mite running around too. usually if I spot multiple spidermites oin a leaf, there's already a predatory mite on the same leaf.
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next, my favorite plant this year: the A4xWS07A6. not really early, but early enough, based on her lineage she's pretty early. smells great too, really looking forward to smoking this one. she's not that big since she was started late, but her growth is good, with a full season she could've been much bigger.
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and last, and also least, the runt of the litter. the WS07A6. she's recovered from her earlier stalling, but still really small, just lost too much time barely growing. also late(while I made this cross to be earlier, I have one other plant of the same cross that is almost ready, maybe a week more, so I'm continueing with that one), and I spotted 1 ball, so will not make seeds with this one. had a lot of hermi's this year overall, don't know why, previous years I only had a few that I filtered out already as small plants, but never any that started herming halfway flower. this year I have 5 herms that I have to check every few days for balls. allherms have been elliminated for breeding, but still want to harvest them, some big nice-looking plants so would be a shame to toss them. but quiet a bit of work checking a whole plant for balls every couple of days.
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and her some pics of that other WS07A6 that's almost finished. leafy bitch, got that from the A6(one of the parents, a plant I grew last year). smell is also pretty much a copy of the A6. just a lot earlier, so got that from the other parent, a wild super 07.
not contest pics
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looking good fryge! I love watching predator species show up to take care of business
Photo updates guys.
Autos are all done now :smoking:

None entries first as that's how they've come up in my list lol
View attachment 954874 View attachment 954875^ blue venom. Only plant in the garden now everything else is in the ghView attachment 954876 View attachment 954877 ^master kush that was in the garden is now in the bed with blackerry og, both look behind compared to the others and space on the floor was tight with 4 View attachment 954878 View attachment 954879 ^master kush. Doing well and smells the most so far.

Now the entries....View attachment 954886
View attachment 954880 View attachment 954881 ^cookies kush. My favourite by a long shot. Looks absolutely beautiful.View attachment 954882 View attachment 954883 ^blackberry kush is now in the bed to finish. Not doing as well as the others but looks healthy enough.
View attachment 954887
View attachment 954884 ^lemon og. Towers over the rest.

Cheers guys:vibes:
looking like a big harvest on the way!
Probably the wrong place to post this, but would anybody Harvest this plant now? Or wait one more week? I'm thinking it needs one more week. ImoView attachment 955347 View attachment 955347 View attachment 955349
I'd wait for pistils to go bye-bye; in my environment waiting for amber puts my plants in the mold zone for an extended period of time
I apologize for my lack of presense guys!! Working hard on harvesting some non entry plants...BB is close!! Looking at 50% coloured hairs today.give her a feed or two with red line, 3-4 water only cycles and chop!

Ahh arthur my friend..i hate to say it bud, but you went wayyyyy overdue in your update and i had to eliminate you from the competition. Sorry man!

Not an issue, I knew I was well past! I've got a full on polyploid going, no one around here has run across one.. very cool...
Is that your forum stomper or the strawberry nuggets?

these are all my photo girls, i got a late start, july ish, and then the family issues.... the poly is a NL seeds Iced Grapefruit, I have one more of those as well, a couple Silver Lemon Haze, Elf Stone and a very unhappy KO Kush. healthy, just pissy about the environment I guess... just hitting its second week of flower. so very far behind the rest.

Shes a bizarre one for sure... frosting out onto the fans!
these are all my photo girls, i got a late start, july ish, and then the family issues.... the poly is a NL seeds Iced Grapefruit, I have one more of those as well, a couple Silver Lemon Haze, Elf Stone and a very unhappy KO Kush. healthy, just pissy about the environment I guess... just hitting its second week of flower. so very far behind the rest.View attachment 955569 View attachment 955568

Shes a bizarre one for sure... frosting out onto the fans!
Very cool shit. Will be interesting to watch this finish for sure.
Not an issue, I knew I was well past! I've got a full on polyploid going, no one around here has run across one.. very cool... View attachment 955558 View attachment 955559 View attachment 955557
pretty cool indeed! but I want to correct a myth here, nothing against you but I see this one way too often: that's not polyploidy. polyploidy is indeed more than 2 of each chromosome, but that has nothing to do with this mutation/deformity(same with 3 branches at each node, that's not polyploïdy either)
I had to look up how it was called again, but I think the correct name is fasciation, or crested growth:
pretty cool indeed! but I want to correct a myth here, nothing against you but I see this one way too often: that's not polyploidy. polyploidy is indeed more than 2 of each chromosome, but that has nothing to do with this mutation/deformity(same with 3 branches at each node, that's not polyploïdy either)
I had to look up how it was called again, but I think the correct name is fasciation, or crested growth:

very possible, she was a double headed beast from early on, one half of the plant, completely normal formation, it's just the other main branch. hoping for another 4 to 6 weeks of good weather.... not so sure I'm gonna get it...