Probably the wrong place to post this, but would anybody Harvest this plant now? Or wait one more week? I'm thinking it needs one more week. Imo
Does it look close the really good shit? It's looking close but would look at the trichromes closely to see how much amber you have and see if all the calyx are fully swollen.
So very sorry gladiators n my man @912GreenSkell been horribly busy between harvesting farming hunting workin and being a father.....need about 24 more hours in the day lol but anyways I will start with the plants still alive!! First pic is the purple afgani bigbud cross second pic is the white widdow bigbud cross and third pic is my auto afgani mass .... The two photos should go another 2-3 weeks depending on the weather and the afgani mass is very close but I'm pushing for another week or so
lovely trifecta!
Now for the rest!! The harvested comp ladies!! First 3 pics are the cheese auto, pics 4-7 are the landrace afgani she had nice dense nugs on her but also cut her a week or two early due to mold along with a few non comps that had to go down to saw what I could so just picked the nicest chunk of bud I could for the final live cola without mold ....coulda took pics of a 26 inch top but it had mold n to me that's not fair so I'll just use the biggest piece I found with no mold....and the last three pics are of my grand daddy purp auto she is absolutely stellar she is by far the stinkiest and I mean stench!! Out of all the plants this year n perhaps ever!! I let her go long as possible she has bout 40-45% Amber trics n 55-60% milky n she calyxs faught for space till she grew foxtails on all her buds so she is as ready as it gets ...for me hope y'all enjoy n I'll be choosing my final pics here shortly!
forearm cola!
It sure has growbro!! Might be a record year for me on the east coast doin it solo! Definitely can't complain!!
record harvest up here! we must be learning:smoking:
Official bud entry dry sweet seeds green poison fast
View attachment 953587
once again man
I'm soo happy
I ain't photo:pass:
Dammit!! Accidentally deleted my full plant 11 roses pic..oh well here is a closeup
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And my other remaining official entry the DP blueberry...going to cut a bit early, planning on another week and chop
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vibrant visions!
and bluesky!
Couple of non entry plants....dp think fast
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Delicious Fruity chronic juice
View attachment 953600
hovering and hulking
medicating goddesses
casting protective shadows
on the land
and on our man
comp or no
your stash will grow:d5:
looming silhouettes
foreshadowing greatness!
looking so fine J!
Well we had a forecast of rain for a week str8, so Humble pie no1 got took, it looked very mature super pungent and ultra sticky. Sucks i only got one pic of live nugs tho. Here it is.
View attachment 954331
good one!
one is all it's gonna take
@912GreenSkell here are my last two dried bud auto entries. Night queen + s.o.d.k.
Gotta move/hide the photos tomorrow while landlord is here so I'll grab some pics while they're out.
Cheers guys.

View attachment 954442 View attachment 954443Night queen - top
S.o.d.k - bottom :greenthumb::smokeout:
good show Q! dank looking or what!
Heres a nug almost ready for the jar of Humble pie [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG],..mmmm tasty. Lol
View attachment 954448
Edit: on my screen the pic loses quality after uploaded?
tasty indeed!
Well growbro's here is my last auto entry afgani mass still alive starting her flush and then she'll be getting the chop!!
she's rocking and reveling the photons!
