Damn sorry to hear of your problems..ahh the struggles of the outdoor grower...never know how or in what form the struggles will show!! Hey man, what is the genetics of the Red Russian?

No problem at all bud...like clockwork said as long as its not past 30 days you can switch back and forth as much as you want!! Will be great to see a portal strain in this!! Want to double down on a grow battle with me? (also growing Nashira outdoor, mine is on day 2 currently, started on may 1st)

Double battle double fun...Heres some i done the last few hours (yesterday cleanup the tent,lowered the cfl on stone age strings)

B4 cleaning that mess i got a little messy with some transplants.
transplanted some DP DurbanPoison in pots and the Micron Autos start to raise some heads...would not recommend the type of pre-pot i used in this pics, doesnt allow the water to really drain and causes problem with too moist soil/air outlook. That bullshit most likely caused me some losses on time and developement. So if you think about using them-DONT!

Edit: Just saw i labeled wrong on the shield it says date 4.4 must mean 4.5.17)

<--Durban Poison DP Photo
<--MicronAuto TT

Battel strain AUTO, the 'legendary' CBD Haze, TopTaoSeeds - very nice sprouted and pretty uniform! Makes me happy from the start but took a bit to germ. 10/10 alive.



Good tap roots...
Cleaned the tent...and populated like a little city.


Left row Durban Poison, round pots middle Erdprut, square pots in the back Micron, 'greenhouse' Erdpurt,LemonDieselxX,Micron -hopefully soon above ground!
5 by 5 in glass is CBD Haze.

And after all this messy work...some reducing of a prepared iso extrac!
Maybe a few of you have taken a look at my first Auto Grow Journal here (link in sig) with the TopTao Micron&Blueberry i had to unfortunately cancel befor fully ripe. Well, back in the day i took the plants down in total and froze them up...thats what i got from extracting yesterday. Its not the 'whole' thing since i did a run before but it the bigger part. Serious shht :stir: did not weigh it but should be few grams of that potent goo


Time to get some pics in here Team EU, get up your arse and make this happen!

@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned who is it? i cant find that dude..! 100 rep for the one who brings him in alive!
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

and never mind if you already done or do so...but dont forget- this is only as alive as you make it! And if i got it right its a battle...
Last edited:
Cleaned the tent...and populated like a little city.

View attachment 745789 View attachment 745790 View attachment 745791

Left row Durban Poison, round pots middle Erdprut, square pots in the back Micron, 'greenhouse' Erdpurt,LemonDieselxX,Micron -hopefully soon above ground!
5 by 5 in glass is CBD Haze.
View attachment 745793

And after all this messy work...some reducing of a prepared iso extrac!
Maybe a few of you have taken a look at my first Auto Grow Journal here (link in sig) with the TopTao Micron&Blueberry i had to unfortunately cancel befor fully ripe. Well, back in the day i took the plants down in total and froze them up...thats what i got from extracting yesterday. Its not the 'whole' thing since i did a run before but it the bigger part. Serious shht :stir: did not weigh it but should be few grams of that potent goo
View attachment 745794


Time to get some pics in here Team EU, get up your arse and make this happen!

@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned who is it? i cant find that dude..! 100 rep for the one who brings him in alive!
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

and never mind if you already done or do so...but dont forget- this is only as alive as you make it! And if i got it right its a battle...

Good stuff all around bud!! @Mr Stonde (twas a typo)
That sounds like a lie to me. Hahaha

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

Hahaha :D

Questionable stories are reserved for government officials. ;)

You got that right bud!!

@912GreenSkell Hey brother, is it too late for me to join the party for team America? Just started some new early photo med strains that I am working on and have one in particular that I would like to enter. Also will be doing some autos OD, but will not start those beans until June 1st.

Healing Path Genetics will certainly add to the seed prizes, both photo and autos.


No problem at all, please familiarize yourself with the rules on page 1 post 1. Not too late by any means! We are still accepting entries into early june. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy you could make it my friend! Will add you to the lists right now!
No problem at all, please familiarize yourself with the rules on page 1 post 1. Not too late by any means! We are still accepting entries into early june. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy you could make it my friend! Will add you to the lists right now!

Read through the rules, but still wanted to make sure. Will get first pic up later. Let's call this strain that I will be entering Night Cap. Genetic makeup is Aunt of Forouk/ Royal Dane x Z6/Erdibei [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]. Should make for some nice night time meds, if it finishes for me here.

On the auto front, not sure as of yet. I may be testing another members genetics, but waiting to hear back form him.

Read through the rules, but still wanted to make sure. Will get first pic up later. Let's call this strain that I will be entering Night Cap. Genetic makeup is Aunt of Forouk/ Royal Dane x Z6/Erdibei [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]. Should make for some nice night time meds, if it finishes for me here.

On the auto front, not sure as of yet. I may be testing another members genetics, but waiting to hear back form him.


Good stuff...will photo update now!

@dankstyle J - Looking great bud!! Looks like she is getting through the stronger mix okay now!!
Read through the rules, but still wanted to make sure. Will get first pic up later. Let's call this strain that I will be entering Night Cap. Genetic makeup is Aunt of Forouk/ Royal Dane x Z6/Erdibei [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]. Should make for some nice night time meds, if it finishes for me here.

On the auto front, not sure as of yet. I may be testing another members genetics, but waiting to hear back form him.


Thas gonna be pretty intresting to see, aunt of forouk sound pretty real, like that!

Good looking!
Cleaned the tent...and populated like a little city.

View attachment 745789 View attachment 745790 View attachment 745791

Left row Durban Poison, round pots middle Erdprut, square pots in the back Micron, 'greenhouse' Erdpurt,LemonDieselxX,Micron -hopefully soon above ground!
5 by 5 in glass is CBD Haze.
View attachment 745793

And after all this messy work...some reducing of a prepared iso extrac!
Maybe a few of you have taken a look at my first Auto Grow Journal here (link in sig) with the TopTao Micron&Blueberry i had to unfortunately cancel befor fully ripe. Well, back in the day i took the plants down in total and froze them up...thats what i got from extracting yesterday. Its not the 'whole' thing since i did a run before but it the bigger part. Serious shht :stir: did not weigh it but should be few grams of that potent goo
View attachment 745794


Time to get some pics in here Team EU, get up your arse and make this happen!

@Dr. Babnik
@mr. stoned who is it? i cant find that dude..! 100 rep for the one who brings him in alive!
@Bud Wiser UK
@English Archer

and never mind if you already done or do so...but dont forget- this is only as alive as you make it! And if i got it right its a battle...

Looking great there @ClockworkOrange - full tent!