Good stuff...will photo update now!

@dankstyle J - Looking great bud!! Looks like she is getting through the stronger mix okay now!!
Not a bad mix either they have gone with no feedings for over a month and not one plant has shown lockout or deficiencies,just recently started giving a lil kelp ,molasses,and fish emulations but I suspect they could go with out .Been trying to hone my mix so it would be easier on seedlings and still have all the good ratios present for a larger plants but have come to the conclusion I probably just need some premade starter mix for a lil cut ✂ in the beginning ,I have been working on experimental organics for over two years non stop and I can see myself working on it for the rest of my life ,every day ,every grow i learn something new ,the best teachers are the plants they will tell ya what's going on ,learning to speak there language has been a challenge.
Yeah, this is a real afghanica pheno so far. Fat leaves. Love it!
Very much so ,all the plants resemble the skelly hash plant with lil or no legend og looks ,thanks I'm a big fan of Afghanistan strains and hash plants ,kushs and Pakistani strains ,was looking a long time for a hash plant og and when I heard the skelly was being used in crosses for the first time in 27 years I knew I needed to obtain those genetics wasn't incredibly easy and sort of limited but after hearing for so long how the skelly was the best affy landrace and had been kept in the closet for so long it's definitely nice to bring the super skelly pacific northwest hash plant (a.k.a puck) to the light of day .
Haha especially when different strains/plants sometimes speak different languages!!
Ah yes lots of truth to that ,I suspect that's the challenge , before I grow anything I look up it blood line ,and its native homelands weather and soil types it gives me an idea of what they plant will thrive in ,adding 50 \50 hybrids complicates it but being able to see pheno dominance has helped but in all reality its a guessing game or hypothesis ,cuz hybrids can look like mom but bud like grandpa or dad .