Last plant standing..

tell that to the fucker who snatched mine...
use whatever pic I had last for a live that you like @912GreenSkell
ill give you a dry pic with the one branch I snipped for auto
gonna take the photo down today i think.. cause it was missed.. I may leave it up and just sit with crosshairs..

not a happy mo...

:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: That is so Bad @mohawk warrior :karmacloud: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

I'm Choked for you.
[HASHTAG]#gogladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:

Ha ha yeah..the heavy colours purple/reds do tend to seed stain..reds most often..
I was clocking the photo to add to me records coz the leaf was holding red too..:headbang:

[HASHTAG]#colourprejudice[/HASHTAG] :coffee:

:crying: [HASHTAG]#trashtalk[/HASHTAG] :d5:

[HASHTAG]#thegerminator[/HASHTAG] ..:headbang:..I'll be back...
Funny enough I had a bad seed season too..most of the early [HASHTAG]#ALF[/HASHTAG] 3 I pollenated were full of aborts..

Yup..tropical sunset colours..I Know that pheno...what is the parentage..?
I've had them colur up on full summer grows too.

:crying: yeah..our kids say they could see the grow on the top patio too..[HASHTAG]#spyinthesky[/HASHTAG] ..Scarey..:shrug:

We are going to have to compile a list of the girls that went down to mold this year.
[HASHTAG]#opticfoliar[/HASHTAG] carry an anti mold spray..I'll see if @opticfoliar Dinesh can come in and give us a Talk on it..:headbang:

Worst I've seen in a long time..:headbang:..

Yea, Mold sucks. Slows down photosynthesis and growth big time! fighting it sucks even more. I think we are seeing more as there are more breeders and diverse genetics everywhere. More than happy to send over info, etc. Just let me know. Happy Growing!
[HASHTAG]#gooutdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:

Yea, Mold sucks. Slows down photosynthesis and growth big time! fighting it sucks even more. I think we are seeing more as there are more breeders and diverse genetics everywhere. More than happy to send over info, etc. Just let me know. Happy Growing!

Cheers @opticfoliar Dinesh..I saw you mention in your Live Interview that one of the optic foliar spray could help with mold...and thought of our outdoor members.
It has been a Really Bad year for mold..:nono:..even growers in areas where they normally have mold problems.

What product or combo do you Think would they don't get the same problem next year.?

Widowbomb is dry....and wow!! Really impressed with the toke and density...not great for mold(5/10 rating) but damn is it a nice smoke.
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@912GreenSkell ..she looks Tasty..what does she Smell like..?..I Love Perfumed Ladies..