@912GreenSkell tomorrow will we start with voting for autoflower plants? :cool1:

Not quite ready yet!! Still waiting on 4 entries to finish up. As soon as Trailanimal, Arthur, Mohawk warrior and Dr Babnik are finished, its go time!! Good eye though! Will get it setup asap...then that way completed entries can get their pics up, and as soon as the final members are done it will be activated.

Rule # 4 - Voting for the autoflower strains will start on September 15th, voting for the photoperiod strains will start on November the 15th. Might be extended if needed for late flowering varieties.
Hey @mohawk and @Mark87
today i was in it another time with my townbuddi @L0wbob2017 and picked down some cornbuds and tested it and in both parts of the field the corn by chewing it immediatdly i felt that the corn was wet, juice was coming out and after about 3 seconds also sweetness was in my mouth from the corm on the right side, look...
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cornbud on the leftside from the left cornfield part and the rightside from right corn part...
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why does the corn have this red touch in the center?View attachment 803693
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Just two different kinds of corn bro just like there is 100 different white strains out there or blues ...companies give farmers a few different types of corn to grow out to get sponsored n shit like that we actually get a few differnt strains of corn and soybeans from the farmers of America association n shit so thats y it seems like the same corn but looks a bit different
Yeah i was pretty sure it was cowcorn as well, but since i dont grow corn, i didnt want to say it was for sure.
Also i find it a bit odd cuz we don't cut our cowcorn down till mid to late October even November depending on the fall seems awful early to cut cowcorn down now unless they are making silage out of it
Also i find it a bit odd cuz we don't cut our cowcorn down till mid to late October even November depending on the fall seems awful early to cut cowcorn down now unless they are making silage out of it

Ha!! I thought tha exact same thing....most sweet corn around here is already harvested, and cowcorn fields are often chopped far later, usually november. I have seen cowcorn fields left out all winter before as well! No idea why they would do that.