Hey @mohawk and @Mark87
today i was in it another time with my townbuddi @L0wbob2017 and picked down some cornbuds and tested it and in both parts of the field the corn by chewing it immediatdly i felt that the corn was wet, juice was coming out and after about 3 seconds also sweetness was in my mouth from the corm on the right side, look...

cornbud on the leftside from the left cornfield part and the rightside from right corn part...




why does the corn have this red touch in the center?



Hey @mohawk and @Mark87
today i was in it another time with my townbuddi @L0wbob2017 and picked down some cornbuds and tested it and in both parts of the field the corn by chewing it immediatdly i felt that the corn was wet, juice was coming out and after about 3 seconds also sweetness was in my mouth from the corm on the right side, look...
View attachment 803688
cornbud on the leftside from the left cornfield part and the rightside from right corn part...
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why does the corn have this red touch in the center?View attachment 803693
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View attachment 803696

to me they both looks like cowcorn...are the kernals relatively hard?
Excellent Mr. Wiser!! Updated....hoping for a long drawn out sunny fall for the both of us(and many others!!) my friend. Good luck bud.

I have a sneaking feeling that ain't going to be the case this year boss.
My belief is that all this mad weather around the world recently is the fall-out from the El Nino event last year, which was significantly big I recall.
I think the return to more stable conditions won't be for a while yet.
Just a theory. :frowny: Hope I'm proved wrong for once!
Yes, they are...maybe a little bit harder like hazel nuts?!?!

I would say almost definitely they are cowcorn then. If you take a sweet corn kearnel and bite it, its like an explosion of liquid...even removing a sweet corn kearnal from the cob can be difficult without it exploding. @Mark87 what do you think bud?
I have a sneaking feeling that ain't going to be the case this year boss.
My belief is that all this mad weather around the world recently is the fall-out from the El Nino event last year, which was significantly big I recall.
I think the return to more stable conditions won't be for a while yet.
Just a theory. :frowny: Hope I'm proved wrong for once!

You HAVE to be wrong bud.....will the weather into being cooperative!! ;)
I would say almost definitely they are cowcorn then. If you take a sweet corn kearnel and bite it, its like an explosion of liquid...even removing a sweet corn kearnal from the cob can be difficult without it exploding. @Mark87 what do you think bud?
Thank you, 912!!!