Beautiful plant!! In the same predicament as my bud!! Update...say hash making....what method do you use? Interested in the bulk mixing process for use with 5 galon bubble bags?
Dry ice bubble,bho ,are the ones I use .
Big Bertha Bubba Trouble, 118 D from S

side branch tip as big as the main. Harvest to be this weekend. Supposed to be some sun, all rain since Monday, just want her to be touched by Sola one more time before harvest. Showing awesome resistance.
Big Bertha Bubba Trouble, 118 D from SView attachment 804573 View attachment 804574 View attachment 804575 View attachment 804576
side branch tip as big as the main. Harvest to be this weekend. Supposed to be some sun, all rain since Monday, just want her to be touched by Sola one more time before harvest. Showing awesome resistance.

Wow she sure is running long my friend!! Awesome work all around bud!

We have an out of date photo contestant....we need a pic from @Vlad The Inhaler , hope everything is going great for you vlad! (and everyone else of course!!)
Wow she sure is running long my friend!! Awesome work all around bud!

We have an out of date photo contestant....we need a pic from @Vlad The Inhaler , hope everything is going great for you vlad! (and everyone else of course!!)

Ooo hang on Skellerz... I took some pics last week but I've been so hooked on playing Golf Clash... yadda-yadda.. [emoji41][emoji16]

Behold... the skyscraper! [emoji23][emoji23]

There's not much flowering going on so far but the nights are drawing in now so hopefully she'll get a wriggle on soon.

There's Keggsie in there, arm at full stretch.


She's starting to bloom, the pics were taken last weekend. It's been a mix of hard rain and sunny spells this week and we're promised warmer weather in the next couple of weeks so fingers crossed for some buds. The leaves still look like shit tho! Aw well!

Here's my auto.. she got swamped by nettles and went mouldy. [emoji22]
PATHETIC! [emoji23][emoji23]

I got about half an Oz of scraggly bits, it smells amazing tho. [emoji1360][emoji1365][emoji16]
Damn bud!! Sorry to hear of the auto...she looked to be a fair size!!

Wow the photos are getting to be quite the size! How many hours of sun versus darkness are you at now? Seeing some popcorns on them!

Updated...great job
Damn bud!! Sorry to hear of the auto...she looked to be a fair size!!

Wow the photos are getting to be quite the size! How many hours of sun versus darkness are you at now? Seeing some popcorns on them!

Updated...great job

It's about 13 daylight and 11 dark ATM bud. The weather's been utter shit tho. They're usually a lot better at this stage.

I'm not too bothered about the auto, she was infested with thrips so had to go anyway.. Just hoping for a sunny couple few weeks and we'll get some buds.