Thanks Green Ya know, that's kinda crappy then when we are told "cooler night time temps." will bring out colors. I'm just looking forward to growing those Meds.. but some color would be COOL :cool1: Would hoping for a little "Tint" be realistic with those strains?
Thanks Green Ya know, that's kinda crappy then when we are told "cooler night time temps." will bring out colors. I'm just looking forward to growing those Meds.. but some color would be COOL :cool1: Would hoping for a little "Tint" be realistic with those strains?

I mean cooler nights does help colour it up a bit....but it wont make a green strain purple in the buds.....or at least more than a tinting. Tinting in cold weather for sure...full on colour change like genetic purp strains no.
Here is a frost coloured DP Orange hill special...notice the leaves have turned plum in colour bu the bud is still natural green

Happy Friday all! Am just past day 60 and the girls are on cruise control. NL#1 below (on left) is the lady entered. She seems to be a good 2 wks behind her sibling, and seems to have a much higher leaf to calix ratio
NL#2 continues to impress!
Contest girl on the left
Hey dank. I was wondering what kind of temp. change does it typically take in a indoor grow to cause the color changes we all like to see? I hope to start next Med. grow 9-1. Blue Toof and Creme Bubbly at least, should have some cool fall temps. at night specially towards the end. But what should I be looking for? I'll shut heat vents off to room, but I haven't a clue
Certain afghani an kush strains I will see color change constantly every time I run them outdoors ,purpling in afghanica strains is more then common .Bubba kush ,certain phenos of nl,kushncheese ,purple afghan kush,blue kush will just about always change ,my original Oregon blackberry will 100%change every time but I suspect its a bubba kush ,afghani cross so again genetics play a role .
Certain afghani an kush strains I will see color change constantly every time I run them outdoors ,purpling in afghanica strains is more then common .Bubba kush ,certain phenos of nl,kushncheese ,purple afghan kush,blue kush will just about always change ,my original Oregon blackberry will 100%change every time but I suspect its a bubba kush ,afghani cross so again genetics play a role .
So a good chance my BlueToof will give me a little if conditions are right?
So a good chance my BlueToof will give me a little if conditions are right?
Very possible if it takes after the blue berry I don't think it's gotten all that cold yet maybe mid 50s at night by certain strains will do it.
Certain afghani an kush strains I will see color change constantly every time I run them outdoors ,purpling in afghanica strains is more then common .Bubba kush ,certain phenos of nl,kushncheese ,purple afghan kush,blue kush will just about always change ,my original Oregon blackberry will 100%change every time but I suspect its a bubba kush ,afghani cross so again genetics play a role .

Do you feel its as much genetic as temp induced colour change though dank? I feel like if colour spawns from the inside out its genetic, but from outside in its climate effect. Only real temp induced colour change i have seen stops at the outer surface. Peel back a bud and its still green except for the very outer.

Here is another example of frost induced colour change....i didn't get any last week pics(these pics were 2 weeks before chop), but all of the leaves had turned dark, dark purple by the end due to exposure. Texada Skunk

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