Thanks Green Ya know, that's kinda crappy then when we are told "cooler night time temps." will bring out colors. I'm just looking forward to growing those Meds.. but some color would be COOL :cool1: Would hoping for a little "Tint" be realistic with those strains?

@stedimed you PH your water...?

If you do..I have a suggestion for you...:thumbsup:...
Do you feel its as much genetic as temp induced colour change though dank? I feel like if colour spawns from the inside out its genetic, but from outside in its genetic. Only real temp induced colour change i have seen stops at the outer surface. Peel back a bud and its still green except for the very outer.

Here is another example of frost induced colour change....i didn't get any last week pics(these pics were 2 weeks before chop), but all of the leaves had turned dark, dark purple by the end due to exposure. Texada Skunk
View attachment 793844

View attachment 793846
Man Green, color change or no she's a Beauty
Do you feel its as much genetic as temp induced colour change though dank? I feel like if colour spawns from the inside out its genetic, but from outside in its climate effect. Only real temp induced colour change i have seen stops at the outer surface. Peel back a bud and its still green except for the very outer.

Here is another example of frost induced colour change....i didn't get any last week pics(these pics were 2 weeks before chop), but all of the leaves had turned dark, dark purple by the end due to exposure. Texada Skunk
View attachment 793844

View attachment 793846
Yes it's genetics also pheno type display as well ,as I have grown strains of the same genetics and one changed color one didn't but I think it's also a process of maturity and plants that flowering are more likely to change colors,I veiw it as similar to why the maple tree changes color in the fall ,the change in environment has a lot to do with that ,but the pigmentation must be in the genetics to change.
Seems like I might be able to pull off a harvest after all but I won't be happy till I have harvested every plant ,things are exploding in the greenhouse buds are forming in a major way and it seems like my homemade organic fertilizers and microbe feeders have given them a boost as well ,I will be back soon to the farm an I will remember my phone
[HASHTAG]#Gooutdoorgladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:..sharing one...:pass:

Just to let you know @912GreenSkell has a heavy harvesting schedule the next 2 you need to discipline yourself to manage your own updates.

If you have any Official updates..tag them for him please...:headbang:

Here is a frost coloured DP Orange hill special...notice the leaves have turned plum in colour bu the bud is still natural green
View attachment 793572
View attachment 793573

@912GreenSkell :headbang:..looking Lush..

Happy Friday all! Am just past day 60 and the girls are on cruise control. NL#1 below (on left) is the lady entered. She seems to be a good 2 wks behind her sibling, and seems to have a much higher leaf to calix ratioView attachment 793584 View attachment 793585NL#2 continues to impress! View attachment 793586 View attachment 793587 View attachment 793588 View attachment 793589 Contest girl on the left

@Arthur :d5:..Looking great..what smell do you have on them...?

Certain afghani an kush strains I will see color change constantly every time I run them outdoors ,purpling in afghanica strains is more then common .Bubba kush ,certain phenos of nl,kushncheese ,purple afghan kush,blue kush will just about always change ,my original Oregon blackberry will 100%change every time but I suspect its a bubba kush ,afghani cross so again genetics play a role .

Kushies carry a highly sensitive phos deficiency which promotes bud and leaf colour in the right temps..:headbang:

So a good chance my BlueToof will give me a little if conditions are right?

Yeah I do Mossy, What do you have? I'd really appreciate it :cool1:

Get them up to sex and flourising..then drop your standard PH down .5 below what you are doing now..:headbang:
If the colour is there it will probably chase it out enough to see..
If you see no colour change in a week..swap them back to the original PH..:d5:
Oh..and the other thing if you can be feeds..:headbang:..let them drip slowly and keep the soil cool..

I was watching a growing tech program was jaw dropping.

Their long term plan is to have LED rooms set up to Grow certain crops inside department you pick your own..Fresh..
Kills all the air miles/footprint to grow them instore.

They also predict a lot of homes will have their own system to grow seed shoots for nutrition.

Before we Think that is too far fetched..IKEA already have them..:headbang:..and if they are in IKEA they will go mainstream..

It's Happening..

They also had farms where all the waste water/fish poop is filtered then fed directly into hydro growing systems as the main nutrients for the plants...

Do you Hear that all you growers with fish tanks..:headbang:..all controlled by apps on their phones..

Automated pheno selection.
French system..sown working on peas..but the plants were measured every day..growth patterns and root growth patterns measured and analysed so they can select the best producers to breed/repro..

Farm machines going totally driverless..:headbang:..they are doing it now on a large scale..but their Mission is to bring the kit down in size/price so that if you have an acre of land you can get self sufficient..Or grow for your friends/neighbours..But..without Any growing knowledge at all..the machine will do it All for you...

(I Want one..:jump: I Want one..:jump:..)

Ripe/harvesting ferts were all evaluated by drone flying over and relaying photos was Amazing.

Times are a changing....:headbang:..Think o f everything we can get to Test...:coffee:
Candy kush from autoseeds LST

Looking good [emoji106]
