Most of my plants are going to be touching the roof soon and flowering just slowly starting,kinda overwhelming with lil space but I will be tying them up ,lst ,whatever it takes ,the blue kush started flowering and now is pushin into the roof ,here's my skelly Og about 9ft and growing,looking a lil parched the temps have been extreme ,but I gave her a ton of water an she'll perk up .View attachment 788952

Absolutely rocking this seasons grow bud...amazing work! Updated
Thanks very much friend,I'm thinking I will get some good meds ,but at the same time wondering what I'm going to do with branches poking out the side an roof can be a lil ruff in a greenhouse.
[HASHTAG]#YoGladiators[/HASHTAG] :d5:

Well ill help this here thread on @912GreenSkell ,@Mossy ,@Waira ...this is my comp auto glueberry og she's in flower mode now and two maybe three days into it shes already getting trics:worship: hopin thats a good sign for some high quality smoke.... Did a little training today but hard to spread her arms then they are on bout 2 inches or so:crying: but hopin she starts branching at least a little anyways...well hope everyone is having a good season!! Keep on growing:goodluck:

@Mark87 :headbang:..she looks like she'll give some high quality smoke to me..

Yes for sure I'll getting serious light on them next time for the start. Then I'll be able to see what else if anything might be holding them back :cheers:

I find if I can get an auto up to sex under light..they will take almost anything thrown at them by Outdoor..:headbang:..they just plod on.

Absolutely no complaints at all with the toke of my outdoor glueberry...very strong with a nice minty menthol pine flavour and smell...excellent toke.

Yeah...?...never had a menthol one..:headbang:

Awesome bro! Thanks for the report...we'll have to compare notes on smoke n smell between out two n see if there is any dramatic differences n what not. Ill definitely let u know when she starts smelling n when she gets chopped!!


the Potbelly Dragon (portal Mix) WAS PREGNANT dusted by the hemied Black Jack

View attachment 788288

i hope to find a few more beans ... and this balcony season might be called OK :thumbsup:


@Slowmo .. Well..of all the crosses you could Catch..that seems a Good One...:headbang:
What is the parentage on Potbelly Dragon...?:coffee:

Friday! Thank's the weekly submission pics.... she's still not showing preflower, while her sister is headed into full flower mode...not concerned looks like she's gonna be a true late bloomer! She's the one on the left. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has a solid 24" canopy, and doesn't seem to be slowing down! Keep on growin ladies, I'm a greedy bastard!View attachment 788391 View attachment 788396 View attachment 788403

Looking the plant supports/frame..:headbang:

I had to give up on the growing outside contest, I wasn't around enough, got infested by bud worms, ended it all a bit early to scavenge some bud for tincture or cooking...but my plants weren't getting enough sun anyway! I'm past that now...gave away 2 healthy photo plants to buddies, and took the 3rd and made cuttings to help out some med buddies...feels good!

[HASHTAG]#randomactsofkindness[/HASHTAG] are Balm for the Soul...:zen:..[HASHTAG]#makesomeonesday[/HASHTAG]

Damn sorry to hear about your bug problem!! Now when you say bud you mean these?
View attachment 788635

Look out its rearing up for a strike!! AAhhhhggggg!!!
View attachment 788637

Is it me or does that bugger have trichomes on its back!! :D :D :D

@912GreenSkell :yoinks: Tric Ripper........:yoinks:

Ahhh!! That thing is freaky!! :D
The brown one i posted is only ever 1/2"max from the ones i have seen...and they live right in the bud.

These little buggers are egg laid by a small moth/fly on your leaf underside, when they hatch they burrow (bore) into the stem raising hell, they will finally find a cozy spot in one of your buds...soon you see dead areas of the bud, if you poke in and remove the dead bud material, it's little cave and shit-pile, they are easy to dig out...though still a pain! About the size of a grain of rice...

That the one I get..mainly on photos...because they are out so long compared to autos...:headbang:
You see nothing until it leaves..then you have a necrotised bud with a poop cave in them.

Tagged you to the thread...everyone else check it out!! The more input the better the info will be!!

:headbang: [HASHTAG]#showusyourbugporn[/HASHTAG]

Most of my plants are going to be touching the roof soon and flowering just slowly starting,kinda overwhelming with lil space but I will be tying them up ,lst ,whatever it takes ,the blue kush started flowering and now is pushin into the roof ,here's my skelly Og about 9ft and growing,looking a lil parched the temps have been extreme ,but I gave her a ton of water an she'll perk up .View attachment 788952

:coffee: I have a shoe horn if you are Interested....:crying:

@GringoStarr :headbang:..she is taller than you now...

Little swing Holland's Hope Princess...
View attachment 789036

and her bigger sister Frisian Dew...
View attachment 789037
and half the rest of the Durban Poison...
View attachment 789038

Happy Growing All!

Ah @TheMongol ..hidden in the corn fields..I Love it...:headbang:
@Slowmo .. Well..of all the crosses you could Catch..that seems a Good One...:headbang:
What is the parentage on Potbelly Dragon...?:coffee:

she is from a pack of regular portal mix, the dragon part was a guess... she has a totally different terpine profile than the red dragon .

and after looking at all the strains on the portal ...

My best bet would be Moonstone
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Hey peeps! The battle plant Dinafem Big Kush is the one by Keggsie's right hand. She's going BIG! We also added an auto to the plot today cos I'm scrapping my tent and getting a whole new auto pot system on the go. Here she is...
Its a Dutch Passion Glueberry OG auto in coco, now in the ground. Fook knows what's gonna happen to her, she was in a 20L air pot with perlite so I gave her a good feed of bloom nutes and some root stim to help her along.

Here's the whole plot..