@dakstyle J World of Seeds . Amnesia Auto is a cross between World of Seeds famous Amnesia, which is the result of crossing a clone brought back from Thailand with a Skunk male and then re-crossing with a selection of C99 and Jack Herer males, and a Ruderalis strain. Crossing with an excellent Cannabis Ruderalis specimen over several generations through backcrossing produces a strain with sativa characteristics that is programmed to flower automatically.
@dakstyle J World of Seeds . Amnesia Auto is a cross between World of Seeds famous Amnesia, which is the result of crossing a clone brought back from Thailand with a Skunk male and then re-crossing with a selection of C99 and Jack Herer males, and a Ruderalis strain. Crossing with an excellent Cannabis Ruderalis specimen over several generations through backcrossing produces a strain with sativa characteristics that is programmed to flower automatically.
Very nice it's got a lot of Thai in it ,should be very good.I've got no experience growing jack or c99 so I can't tell you what to expect but those are strains that are known to be kick ass ,I definitely need to grow a few of em out .
Hey guys [emoji482]
Some New pics of today of my candy kush from autoseeds..
She's Almost ready [emoji173]️
Trichs are shiny but not like the blow Mind autoflowers [emoji6]
Smells fruity

The other candy kush(LST) has lift al the hooks whaha I let her do her thing now.

Cheers [emoji482][emoji108][emoji123]
I'm gonna write a book lmao..
this will be in it
chapter.... um.. feck it 6 "only in Oregon"
Times are changing in Oregon with the greenrush ,people are coming from all over buying up land with the idea of making it rich ,really sad for me and my dream of having a medical farm im not in it for money I just love the plant but the price of our land is more than most Oregonian farmers can afford anymore ,so people from other places with laws that aren't as fair as ours but a culture based more on Hollywood,money,fancy stuff are coming to Oregon,I know a guy he moved here from a much richer warmer state ,and to me he complains our soil sucks ,our weather isn't as sunny and his plants are very small and he says to me blah blah blah were im from they would be monsters and im thinking you haven't seen the rain yet and mine are fine I mention that I got a few over 9ft and he says bs I have been growing longer than you're alive and with you're crappy clay soil there's no way I don't show him pictures or anything I just let him keep growing his way ,but if he once showed me he needed for medicine an not profit than I would be more than happy to show him some tricks I've been taught since I was very lil to make that soil work ,instead of be just being silent .
Times are changing in Oregon with the greenrush ,people are coming from all over buying up land with the idea of making it rich ,really sad for me and my dream of having a medical farm im not in it for money I just love the plant but the price of our land is more than most Oregonian farmers can afford anymore ,so people from other places with laws that aren't as fair as ours but a culture based more on Hollywood,money,fancy stuff are coming to Oregon,I know a guy he moved here from a much richer warmer state ,and to me he complains our soil sucks ,our weather isn't as sunny and his plants are very small and he says to me blah blah blah were im from they would be monsters and im thinking you haven't seen the rain yet and mine are fine I mention that I got a few over 9ft and he says bs I have been growing longer than you're alive and with you're crappy clay soil there's no way I don't show him pictures or anything I just let him keep growing his way ,but if he once showed me he needed for medicine an not profit than I would be more than happy to show him some tricks I've been taught since I was very lil to make that soil work ,instead of be just being silent .
should ask him why'd he moved bahahahaha:crying:
that's where the dilemma comes in.. because it cant really be medicine if its about the money..
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heres the pink kush photo.. think I seen a white hair starting..

and moh's monster.. well part of it


(those are crystals on that leaf, right to the tip)
one of the others would be a photo pheno.. it's just got white hairs showing. budding looks nothing like above relative , more like pink variant.. no pictures (its actually in back of 2nd).. thinking I'm gonna yank it but it has literally grown in a pool of water soil.. may be an interesting study

the "archie" one(same thing) has absolute zero smell... thinking the ruderalis took over on that.. smells like zero ... wait... what? can a number have a smell??
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Ladys and Gents,

that´s another call for the Platinum Grow Battle starting at the first of September....


Is anybody here owning a Platinum Light or willing to buy one to join in the battle, there are FREE seeds to grow and @Ripper is the manager of it!

The Battle needs still 2 EU growers with free grow space to kick off!

Cheers for the [HASHTAG]#shoutout[/HASHTAG] @TheMongol :d5:..I've tickled your Kitty with plus rep...:biggrin:

she is from a pack of regular portal mix, the dragon part was a guess... she has a totally different terpine profile than the red dragon .

and after looking at all the strains on the portal ...

My best bet would be Moonstone


She's going BIG!

Oh...I Think she has already Gone Big....:coffee:

We also added an auto to the plot today cos I'm scrapping my tent and getting a whole new auto pot system on the go.

[HASHTAG]#GoVlad[/HASHTAG] ..:d5:..whole new system huh..Good Luck....let us know how it works for you..

@Mossy - Yeah my GB OG is quite a unique smell...i cant ever recall having a mint menthol smell. Its powerbomb toke for sure. Wish i had space for an indoor GB. Toke is really nice, rock hard buds, and great crystal!!

Sound Delish....:smoker:..I'm quite partial to a bit of menthol..

if I recall its a certain sativa that the menthol/minty smell comes from.. cant remember what region.. i'll meditate and see if it comes to me.. or you can see what the internet has to say .. good ol google

I feel like Africa .. Malawi .. but I'm not sure.. being lazy

Yeah.. [HASHTAG]#malawi[/HASHTAG] is ringing a bell for me too..:headbang:..but I can't remember why...:coffee:..it's me age..

I'll do a smoke report of all 3 here...well, the DP grew to fast and strong and i was late to fix her with a higher bamboo stick last week and after a heavy rain storm a couple of days the top 2/3 broke down of the heavy weight of it, so the rest is the main stem of about half meter!

Damn..Shame...:shrug:..[HASHTAG]#mothernature[/HASHTAG] strikes again...

If that shoe horns for Paul bunion I'm down mossy I'm just a lil worried in flower there won't be any room for me to work an ty em down,if I had no space limitations I would be so happy I only got 6plants in there an its obvious I'm overgrowing my space ,I thought last year turning a large motor home carport into a greenhouse would give me the space I needed ,I guess I was wrong .

:coffee: The more space you have..the more you Fill it...:growing:

Hey guys [emoji482]
Some New pics of today of my candy kush from autoseeds..
She's Almost ready [emoji173]️
Trichs are shiny but not like the blow Mind autoflowers [emoji6]
Smells fruity

The other candy kush(LST) has lift al the hooks whaha I let her do her thing now.

Cheers [emoji482][emoji108][emoji123]

Oh Lovely trichs..she looks like a frosty xmas tree...Nice...:headbang:

Times are changing in Oregon with the greenrush ,people are coming from all over buying up land with the idea of making it rich ,really sad for me and my dream of having a medical farm im not in it for money I just love the plant but the price of our land is more than most Oregonian farmers can afford anymore ,so people from other places with laws that aren't as fair as ours but a culture based more on Hollywood,money,fancy stuff are coming to Oregon,I know a guy he moved here from a much richer warmer state ,and to me he complains our soil sucks ,our weather isn't as sunny and his plants are very small and he says to me blah blah blah were im from they would be monsters and im thinking you haven't seen the rain yet and mine are fine I mention that I got a few over 9ft and he says bs I have been growing longer than you're alive and with you're crappy clay soil there's no way I don't show him pictures or anything I just let him keep growing his way ,but if he once showed me he needed for medicine an not profit than I would be more than happy to show him some tricks I've been taught since I was very lil to make that soil work ,instead of be just being silent .

Yeah..the unhappy side of legalisation..:headbang:..as always..the rich get the richest picking pickings.
There is so Much money to be made in legalisation the politicians will be saving the Primo for their cronies.
Cheers for the [HASHTAG]#shoutout[/HASHTAG] @TheMongol :d5:..I've tickled your Kitty with plus rep...:biggrin:


Oh...I Think she has already Gone Big....:coffee:

[HASHTAG]#GoVlad[/HASHTAG] ..:d5:..whole new system huh..Good Luck....let us know how it works for you..

Sound Delish....:smoker:..I'm quite partial to a bit of menthol..

Yeah.. [HASHTAG]#malawi[/HASHTAG] is ringing a bell for me too..:headbang:..but I can't remember why...:coffee:..it's me age..

Damn..Shame...:shrug:..[HASHTAG]#mothernature[/HASHTAG] strikes again...

:coffee: The more space you have..the more you Fill it...:growing:

Oh Lovely trichs..she looks like a frosty xmas tree...Nice...:headbang:

Yeah..the unhappy side of legalisation..:headbang:..as always..the rich get the richest picking pickings.
There is so Much money to be made in legalisation the politicians will be saving the Primo for their cronies.
Yes but if they could only grow like a dirt poor organic share cropper ,can't buy passion or skills very sad I was just happy when they legalized it I would stop getting hassled and busted I had no idea there was a darker side than the black market.