@Belivitez - GG is a monster!! Nice work...updated.

@Swan - Haha yeah bud...i did a search and found the june 20th update...sorry bud, trying to stay dialed in but super busy, and really high too! :D

@HemiSync - oh another one....jeez...i should be fired!! :D I'll make sure i get this locked down from now on!!

@mohawk warrior - Yes bud, final selection must be done on day 30 or before.

Thanks for being cool about my screw ups guys!! When i designed the rule set, i had no clue it was going to be this popular! I thought we were going to be scratching to get 10 entries! :D
It's a credit to people like yourself that put in all the effort to set up and run these things that pulls in all the entries I say.

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So newbie here with a Q...I have 3 Kannabia Baby Boom CBD's that were just transplanted into 5 gallon cloth pots (1 week since sprouted in 16oz beer cups)...2 pots are 70/30 Happy Frog - Coco with Osmocote + and 1 same soil-coco mix but no Osmocote+...they are taking off and I'm not sure just to do a grow journal or enter them (too late?), I guess I'm not sure if they will be inside or out yet either...Plus I have 3 Sweet Seeds BlackJack Fems rocking in 50/50 coco/perlite hempy's (1.5 gallons) that are hitting their 4th node and I just pruned them (photo plants)...they are rocking as well. I don't want to be in too many contests so maybe just grow journals??

An update, oh @912GreenSkell.

is growing big in her small pot.
Upward growth has stopped and she drinks over 1 L/day. Her food is Vertafort Organic Nutrition pellets, 30 g in the 6,5 L pot. It works very well.


...nice stem.


Nashira is small and pale. Looking better after transition to chemical nutes from Big Plant Science. Biotabs Guerilla Tabs doesn't work in my hands.

[HASHTAG]#gogladiators[/HASHTAG] :vibe:

So we were siting outdoors last night..too Hot in the house...and there was the most enticing smell coming from the drying box..so I Thought it would be Nice to have a Treat...:biggrin:

Out come the grinder..small bud of Black Stone..Duurty Dragon..ALF#3.....:smoker:..3 joints..one of each...

Being a Hog..I had to do all 3.....and ended up monged out of me tree....:kiss:..Happy Hippy High...grinning like the Cheshire cat...

Lungs expanded x 3..Slept like a Log.................:dragon8:..and woke refreshed with a Happiness Hangover this morning..:dragon7:

Nowt much else you could Ask for huh..?..Perfect Bud.

Day 50: Blooming heck.

Not a lot to report.

Busy weekend, we had 20 people round on Sunday all making pizzas and cooking them on the BBQ so Dwarfy had to be tucked away from prying eyes all afternoon.

I'm feeding just on bloom now, no more grow for the time being.

Long way to go yet but I'm getting excited





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Amazing patio...:headbang:..no wonder she looks Happy..I Would be..

This blow Mind has a rough life[emoji53] a lot of bugs en snail's I had to use heavy artillery.. U can see it back on the leaves.. I hope she heal well..

2 blow Mind seedlings has died due the warm weather. 35°c [emoji34] and now the temps are for upcoming 2 weeks 20°c and a lot af rain

It is what I always worry about using bug killers....But..we don't smoke the leaves...and she looks like she will be a Good yielder..:headbang:

And it is ,I came up with the term to describe the organic technique involving no packaged or bottled organic nutes ,using the plants and bugs ,worms , and the natural environment to you're benefit ,mulchs ,composts ,home made plant teas ,worm castings are all.raw organics ,the oldest form of gardening,farming and as you can tell by hecnos plant a very very healthy way to produce a stunning plant ,nature definitely provideds yay for raw organics .

Seeing your plants @dankstyle J how could we Doubt it..they are Stunning..:headbang:..I'll be Following..

Mmm...mmm...mmm...she is filling out well.....:d5:

Thanks for being cool about my screw ups guys!! When i designed the rule set, i had no clue it was going to be this popular! I thought we were going to be scratching to get 10 entries! :D

:bighug: Yeah..you and me both....But...you have done an Amazing job...:bravo:

It's a credit to people like yourself that put in all the effort to set up and run these things that pulls in all the entries I say.

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they are taking off and I'm not sure just to do a grow journal or enter them (too late?),

that will be one for @912GreenSkell to Answer...:headbang:
Last edited:
An update, oh @912GreenSkell.

is growing big in her small pot.
Upward growth has stopped and she drinks over 1 L/day. Her food is Vertafort Organic Nutrition pellets, 30 g in the 6,5 L pot. It works very well.

...nice stem.

Nashira is small and pale. Looking better after transition to chemical nutes from Big Plant Science. Biotabs Guerilla Tabs doesn't work in my hands.

That is some nice looking outdoor Dr. Babnik. Nashira will catch up for sure.
@dankstyle J ...........


The breweries have started using disposable kegs for cider.... :yeah:..so they are Free...:holymoly:...and look like Perfect Tea fermenters to me....

Egg shells for the first one.

@912GreenSkell ..melons..melons everywhere...:biggrin:..took you advice and let them ramble...




I haven't grown them before..so I'm Dead Impressed......:headbang:
Morning @Feenix :bighug:..I was looking at the size of @Dr. Babnik 's pot and Thinking Wow...:headbang:..hell of a plant for the pot size..
I planted Shiva in the small pot to restrain growth. Would like to transplant, but fear I trigger more vegetation. I have Zenseeds White Widow auto in 6,5 L also, but had to supercrop to keep her below the balcony railing.

Nashira is smaller than I expected and the WW and Amnesia Haza, also Zenseeds, grow much bigger than I would imagine.

Lots of good stuff going on, @Mossy. Just read up on Rainbow Moonstone. In Stones hands, it is very fast. Mine is 50 days now. Will show pics later here and at AP and hopefully get some inputs from you folks in the Master League.