@912GreenSkell Yes you must of missed my posts . Here is a update . This is a World of seeds - Amnesia Auto - First 14 days inside . Rest outdoors . She is now on day 39 All organic grow :thumbsup: as @dankstyle J called it - Raw Organics

And it is ,I came up with the term to describe the organic technique involving no packaged or bottled organic nutes ,using the plants and bugs ,worms , and the natural environment to you're benefit ,mulchs ,composts ,home made plant teas ,worm castings are all.raw organics ,the oldest form of gardening,farming and as you can tell by hecnos plant a very very healthy way to produce a stunning plant ,nature definitely provideds yay for raw organics .
:dragon4:.....mmmppphhhhh.......2 days air dry..and it's Nice..very very Nice......:dragon4:

All of it...:smoker:.. [HASHTAG]#stonedasanoldhippiesCat[/HASHTAG] ....now...what is left in the fridge......?................:pie:

Did I say I [HASHTAG]#adorefreshbud[/HASHTAG] ?..

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@912GreenSkell Yes you must of missed my posts . Here is a update . This is a World of seeds - Amnesia Auto - First 14 days inside . Rest outdoors . She is now on day 39 All organic grow :thumbsup: as @dankstyle J called it - Raw Organics
View attachment 771962
View attachment 771964

In the back of my mind when i was typing it, i was sure(well sort of, kind of sure) you had an update between now and the 10th! Looking pristine for day 39!! Awesome work bud! Updated. Looks like she is going to be big by the end!!
Looking good!! Entry updated and removed from warning list...seems like crystal is taking a bit of time to show, but i do see some incoming!
I found my last entry from just a few days ago [emoji3]
So does that mean I have extra time in the bank before the next one?! Haha [emoji23]


I'm glad I found it as I thought I was going crazy and that life was going by at a much more alarming rate than I thought!

You are so busy @912GreenSkell keeping track of all these entries it must be tricky.

Keep up the good work man [emoji106]


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@HemiSync , @Swan , @goodgrace87 - All 3 of you are in the overdue section...if no pics in the next 14 days are submitted you will be eliminated!! (GASP!) Hope everything is going well with you guys! If i missed an updated please lmk and i'll find it and update.
You missed my last post on the twelfth but I will have updated pictures tomorrow night.
@Belivitez - GG is a monster!! Nice work...updated.

@Swan - Haha yeah bud...i did a search and found the june 20th update...sorry bud, trying to stay dialed in but super busy, and really high too! :D

@HemiSync - oh another one....jeez...i should be fired!! :D I'll make sure i get this locked down from now on!!

@mohawk warrior - Yes bud, final selection must be done on day 30 or before.

Thanks for being cool about my screw ups guys!! When i designed the rule set, i had no clue it was going to be this popular! I thought we were going to be scratching to get 10 entries! :D