[HASHTAG]#gogladiators[/HASHTAG] :d5: The Girl are Looking Amazing...:headbang:

They will be beast for sure. Very nice growing.

I can't Wait to see the Big Beasters that I Know we are going to be Treated to..:drool:

Thank you the weather has been horrible it's been raining for quite a few pretty steady ,but the plants are doing ok ,still sprayed for mold ,and last weak gave em some dankstyle j rocket poo they seem to be growing fast even though the weather is unfavorable.

They are Looking Great..I Love outdoor leaf colour..they are Vibrant..:headbang:

Yeah, it sure works well when I've done them...I think for the first time I'll just grow these untouched :thumbsup:...what the heck! I've never grown an auto even close to your Brooklyn Sunrise...you got it down my friend! :worship:


Blow Mind test bud for smoking one more Day and irs dry enough.. Tomorrow curing [emoji4]

Are we all Invited to the Cremation..?....:hookah:

Ahh...going from one struggle to another with weather...did i mention our weather is crazy unpredictable? Last week for 2 weeks rain and cold almost day....this week? Lets give the fella what he asks for ...some heat! Hmm instead of close under 10 degrees celsius(<- 50 F), instead lets try out 32degrees celsius(90 F) yesterday followed by 38degrees today(100F)...sweltering hot!! And the little autos are showing some stress...no problems for the fairly well established photos.

Will get to updates later...didnt sleep last night at all and am burned out.

Got you on the crazy weather..over cold and then over hot..and the bad sleep...:d5:..@912Greenskell

dang dude. Hard being a weather dependent farmer. Here's hoping you get some quality hours in, and not too variable <and very Canadian> conditions....

Yup..:headbang:..these indoor growers don't know they are Born...:crying:...with their light on demand..no bugs or pests...

For sure man I live in the middle of a huge green forest,it wouldn't be green with out a ton of rain ,I know you Canada homies have to struggle pretty hard with good ol mother nature and our Alaska growers gotta be str8 up inventive to work around there conditions,but one thing no matter where in the world us stoners ,med users ,heads ,are we will grow rain ☔ sleet or snow ⛄.

Natures Warriors...:amazon:


Hey Grandmaster,

i gave @L0wbob2017 a couple of days his promised Ladys, but his not willing to start his own thread, maybe he's to shy to be a gladiator to the battle...just give him and all you Gladiators a kick in his ass to get online!!!!:d5:

Maybe he needs some encouragement of the AFN-Family...:cheers:

You're welcome L0000wwwBOB:welcome:

[HASHTAG]#GoTheMongol[/HASHTAG] :vibe:

bla bla bla u dirty bastard hahahaha.
i will take some good pics and start it then... :D


well my auto got murdered by a robin who's got it out for me cause I keep destroying the nest it wants to make...

:crying: a Robin...bit like the Dog Ate my Homework...:crying: [HASHTAG]#whatpestatethis[/HASHTAG]

Bummer....ahh, the outdoor growing challenge to keep your plants from a 1,000 ways to die! Hang in there bud...I just lost (actually it broke in half) my Short Ryder in a storm, so it's not my entry plant at least but it was really growing well!:wall:


@912GreenSkell ...

Here's my weekly update.

Auto Brooklyn Sunrise [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] at 7 weeks tomorrow ...

View attachment 764624 View attachment 764625

Still in the waiting room with the photos, the non-root water-bath didn't work because the cuttings were too young .. my fault.
Plan B - root some clones ..

View attachment 764627

Watch this space with these .. the mothers will have shown sex by the time these root anyway .. call these insurance.


You Need Insurance on outdoor...:headbang:
My girls are on the [HASHTAG]#Naughtystep[/HASHTAG] :nono:


They have a Stop on them for some reason..:shrug:..no height or width gained in around a week.
Other germs toms and chillies are growing..so I can't say it is the weather.
They had a spray of Aloe vera..yikes..could be that..but I don't see why...:shrug:..it is Full of vitamins and minerals that they need.

Gives me space to start some new germs on the table...

I Need the harvest...:headbang:

Not for the comp..but this pot Could be Fun.. [HASHTAG]#GiggleJuice[/HASHTAG] but only F2 of a Photo/auto cross..I should have majority photo..:coffee:..two comps with one stone....:crying:

@912GreenSkell I don't know what you Think..but....:coffee:..I'd Close Auto entries if I were you or we are going to have a really spread Poll/vote..and you can only have 1 poll on a thread at a time...so you have a danger of an over run..and bump into the photo poll...
@912GreenSkell I don't know what you Think..but....:coffee:..I'd Close Auto entries if I were you or we are going to have a really spread Poll/vote..and you can only have 1 poll on a thread at a time...so you have a danger of an over run..and bump into the photo poll...
new section?? or you takin mo out the comp... lmao
:crying: a Robin...bit like the Dog Ate my Homework...:crying: [HASHTAG]#whatpestatethis[/HASHTAG]
.... you're on teach!!! lmao I will get a picture of this lil one and his mate...
and I never used that excuse in school, I just told them straight up I didn't do it hehehe... I wish I had surveillancecamera's to show this footage... they are shifty lil bastards but... its almost egg time so I got like a week or so left of battlen these guys lmao

they get this nest almost built every day... I stuffed a bunch of bricks in the area they kept going to... then they killed my plant lmao robins actin all hard n shit
And here we go!! Updates as soon as i am done here....OFFICIAL Photo Entry DP Think Fast Day 73...getting there!!! Top of the post is about 3 feet tall. 1 liter AN container for scale

And one of these autos is going to be my entry...taking a bit of a beating from hot and cold weather, but they are trudging along!! All autos are on Day 26.
DP Auto White Widow(barely the largest auto, DP AWW almost caught up in size!)

Dinafem Auto white widow XXL

POrtal Nashira

Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb (totally digging the side branching on this plant)

Sweet Seeds Bloody Skunk(catching up in size!!)

Sweet Mandarin XL

Dinafem Moby Dick XXL

DP Glueberry OG(falling behind in potassium...manure wasn't enough to keep up...back to Green Planet grow fuel at 3ml per liter)
dang it. A friend of mine has this nasty lil' bitch of a renal cancer. Metastasized, he's got weeks now. Maybe days. I've got a jet later today, gonna say goodbye to my friend.

Fuck. This sucks.
@greenskell can u change the entry?
I gave my neighbour my kk x ams..
I want to go with the candy kush if that is possible

I am sorry bud, but once your entry is locked in and made official at 30+ days, its set in stone. Next contest there will be some rules changes. If front page rules start getting drastically changed now, its not fair for everyone else. Really some fine crystal caked bud on the blow mind!! Great work my friend! I am blown away by the crystal counts on the blowmind. Please continue to post pics, even if they are not eligible entries.

@StickMan - Z6 looking awesome bud!! Perfect health! Updated

@dankstyle J - Buddy....looking exceptional!! Skelly is loving life! Updated

@iWumbo - No problem bud...just be sure to get a pic of the young autos in the first week and then every 14 dqays after that and you are good to go. Good luck!!

dang dude. Hard being a weather dependent farmer. Here's hoping you get some quality hours in, and not too variable <and very Canadian> conditions....

Haha yeah...good old unpredictable weather is always a good time!! I swear every season is a roller coaster ride of emotions.

@TheMongol - Hey man, gotcha!! @L0wbob2017 hey bud you don't Have to run a journal if you don't want to, or have the time...as long as pics are posted here and in the time frame requested in the rules its all good.

@ljacve55 - hey fella...not sure if our lines are getting crossed? Please review the rules on page 1 post 1. We need a pic of the plants first week(which you already supplied), and then we need a pic every 14 days...one pic on week 1 and then a pic of the plants around day 40(just guessing on age) is not going to cut it as per the rules. You also have to select a single auto for your entry. Ive requested this twice now. Hope you can get it together as your plants are stunning!! Awesome growing so far!!

@islandgrower - Oh great!! I was getting worried for you!! Down to the wire on that update! Another 4 days and you would have been eliminated!! Gasp!! Entries updated!!

@mohawk warrior - Hang bleeding deer to deter thieves. :D Hahaha...i have a funny feeling that the thieves wouldnt care at all about that...no worries with bear at all...yell at a bear and they go running. ;) Though hanging deer would bring in the coyotes by the dozens....sorry to hear of your problems fella!

@Tin Wiskers - Oh no!! Not the dreaded hail!! Probably my biggest fear in an outdoor grow. Hopefully the plants are okay!

@Jraven - Looking good , despite shitty weather bud!! Goodness i love that background scenery!! Truly majestic...entry updated.

@Need4Weed - Looking a little hungry!! Doing well though! Good work, entries updated.

@Dr. Babnik - oh good!! I was about to get you ready for the overdue warning pile....wow man!! Shiva is awesome!! Both entries updated.

@Bud Wiser - Holy SHIATZU man!! Wow mr wiser...really wow...fanforkintastic....i knew there was a reason i loved the Brooklyn Sunrise auto!! Doing an incredible job with her bud!!

@Mossy - They might be short, but the sure do look thick!! Thanks for keeping up with the comments mossy...been super busy and drained here over the last week.

dang it. A friend of mine has this nasty lil' bitch of a renal cancer. Metastasized, he's got weeks now. Maybe days. I've got a jet later today, gonna say goodbye to my friend.

Fuck. This sucks.

Damn bud....so sorry to hear about your friend. Throwing up all the karma i can.